"Then it won't hurt after taking the medicine?" Ling Wuwen asked.

Qiao Bo'an shook his head again: "It will hurt, but the pain is not so severe after taking the medicine."

As for Qiao Bo'an's headache, Qiao Yu also had a headache.

Over the years, Qiao Bo'an has seen so many doctors and taken so many medicines, but none of them worked.

The only effective medicine was a medicine his wife brought back from abroad last year.

Take it once a day, and when you have a headache for half a month, the headache is really relieved a lot.

So after that, Qiao Bo'an had to take medicine every night.

Ling Wu's eyes rolled, she tiptoed to take the cup from Qiao Bo'an's hand, and said, "I'll help Brother Bo'an pour you another glass of water!"

After saying that, he went to the kitchen in a hurry.

After pouring a glass of water with the help of the servant, Ling Wuwen didn't leave immediately, but looked at the servant and said, "Sister, brother Bo An said there is ice cream in the refrigerator, can you help me get one?"

While the servant was going to get the ice cream, Ling Wuyi put a painkiller into Qiao Baian's cup.

The pills melted in water, and when the servant came over with the ice cream, the water in the cup seemed to remain unchanged.

Ling Wuxi went out with the water and handed it to Qiao Bo'an for him to finish drinking.

Because it was Ling Wuyi who poured the water for him, even if he was full, he had to finish it~

After watching Qiao Bai'an finish drinking the water with his own eyes, Ling Wuyi felt relieved.

Qiao Bo'an was going to the study to do his homework, and Ling Wuyi also went to the study.

She was sitting on Qiao Bo'an's desk playing mobile games, while Qiao Bo'an was doing homework seriously beside her.

Ling Wuwen discovered that the thirteen-year-old Qiao Boan was studying the first-year high school courses.

After asking, I found out that Qiao Baian skipped a few grades in elementary school, so he was only thirteen years old when he was in the first year of high school.

After playing mobile games for a while, Ling Wuxi got bored, so she just sat on Qiao Boan's lap.

Although Qiao Bo'an lost some weight, because he was Xi Ziqiu's body, he felt inexplicably safe in his heart.

Qiao Baian is doing homework, even if Ling Wuyi is bored, he is too embarrassed to disturb him.

Leaning in Qiao Bo'an's arms, she fell asleep unknowingly!

It was already midnight when she woke up, and she was lying alone in the room Qiao Boan arranged for her.

Probably because she was worried that she would be afraid of the dark, so Qiao Bo'an also lit a small night light in the room.

Ling Wuwen turned over, feeling sleepy for a while.

Although I have only known Qiao Bo'an for a few days, since the first day, my favorability has risen to 80 points!

But Ling Wuyi won't be happy because she rose to 80 points in one go, because Qiao Bo'an just regards the five-year-old her as her younger sister.

But there is no way, with her current age, and Qiao Bai'an's current age, she can only walk in the direction of her siblings for the time being.

Wait another ten years or so, and they should be able to truly capture Qiao Bai'an.

Tsk... Ling Wuyi estimates that this world will be the one she has spent the longest time conquering!

He turned over again and closed his eyes.

I can only hope that in the past few years, the favorability can be increased to about 88 points——

The next morning, Ling Wuxi was woken up by Qiao Boan, who thoughtfully helped Ling Wuyi squeeze out the toothpaste, watched her wash up, and then waited for Ling Wuyi to change her clothes and put on her shoes, and lead her hands building.

After breakfast, Ling Wuwen was sent back to Shen's house by Qiao Bo'an himself.

Shen Nanxia was going to the company, so only Ling Wuyue, Shen's father and Shen's mother were left at home.

Suddenly Ling Wuwen remembered the matter of matching Shen Nanxia and Li Ziyu, thinking that before that, maybe Shen's father and Shen mother could meet Li Ziyu to understand her personality.

So, Ling Wuwen, who was watching TV well, suddenly made a fuss about going to the hospital to see her mother.

There was no other way, Shen's father and Shen's mother had no choice but to take Ling Wuwen to the hospital.

Coincidentally, I can take this opportunity to personally meet the woman who gave birth to their Shen family's granddaughter——

After going to the hospital, Ling Wuwen saw Shen's father and Shen's mother who were different.

When facing Li Ziyu, Shen's father was indifferent and expressionless, while Shen's mother looked at Li Ziyu in various ways.

Being watched by Shen's mother, Li Ziyu was very uncomfortable, but she still had basic etiquette for elders.

When Shen's mother said that Shen Nanxia already had a fiancée and told her not to covet the position of Shen's young mistress in disguise, Li Ziyu said very clearly: "I never thought about getting anything through the baby, so Madam Shen, please rest assured."

"That's good, don't worry, our Shen family will not treat you badly, how much do you want?" Shen's mother's tone was very arrogant, full of contempt for Li Ziyu.

Li Ziyu hugged Ling Wuwen, raised her lips and smiled: "Since Mrs. Shen wants to talk about money with me, let's talk about it."

"I don't want too much. I will first calculate the child's alimony, living expenses, and my youth loss over the past five years: five million."

"In addition, I know that you all want your baby to have a good living and learning environment, so you need to have at least 100,000 yuan for living expenses and other expenses every month after that. If you want to pay for eighteen years, you can."

Li Ziyu didn't have much expression on his face, but was very serious.

Ling Wuxi applauded her in her heart, she did a great job!

In novels, this kind of rich people use money to solve problems, such as letting a certain heroine leave her son and so on. Such plots are common, and most heroines show that money is like dung, Acted very angry.

And every time I see this place, Ling Wuyue will think.

If she also encountered this situation, she would definitely want to take the money, and even take more, so that she would be mad at the other party!

And Li Ziyu's answer made Shen's mother angry, and even Shen's father, who hadn't looked at Li Ziyu since coming here, glanced at her.

Shen's mother laughed back angrily, and nodded: "You are indeed a money-greedy woman! My Shen family can give you the money, but child, you must recognize your ancestors and return to your ancestors!"

"Is your son unable to have children? Why do you have to compete with me for children?!" Li Ziyu kept Ling Wu in her arms with a cold face.

"Regardless of whether my son will have children in the future, An Yi is a child of my Shen family, so she must stay in my Shen family! For someone like Miss Li who was born in an orphanage, I am very worried about entrusting my granddaughter to your care!"

Shen's mother's words and Shen's father's silence made Ling Wuyi suddenly not want to match Shen Nanxia and Li Ziyu anymore.

Forget it, she won't mind her own business, whether the two of them can get together depends on fate!

However, Shen's mother said that Li Ziyu, as a daughter, can she keep silent? !

"Grandma, I don't allow you to say that about my mother! My mother takes good care of me!" Ling Wu squinted her neck and stared at Shen's mother.

Only then did Shen's mother realize that she had lost her image in front of her granddaughter.


The third one first!

The renovation next door was so noisy that Mei Kai was about to collapse!

Only 2,000 words have been held in for an afternoon, and today's update... oh no, it may be updated in the next few days... a little later!

Still the same sentence, lovers, save the update from the previous day for the next day, so that you don't have to wait for the update!

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