The lawsuit was won. Since Gu Beicheng and Li Ziyu had already obtained their marriage certificates, it was time to hold a wedding!

During the wedding, Ling Wuwen notified Qiao Bo'an to come over and be a flower girl with her.

Although Qiao Bo'an is a bit older to be a flower girl, he can't help the Gu family's love for Ling Wu Nie!

Originally, the male flower girl was ordered to be made by the six-year-old grandson of the Gu family... then let Qiao Bai'an do it!

"Sister An Yi, do you like your new father and family?"

After the wedding, Qiao Bo'an took Ling Wuwen to a place where no one was around to have a private conversation.

Ling Wuxi held a cake in her hand, nodded while eating: "Well, I like it very much!"

In fact, before getting married, Li Ziyu asked Ling Wuwen about it.

After all, if they get married, Gu Beicheng will live with them in the future.

What Li Ziyu thought was, if her daughter is unwilling...then this marriage will not be concluded!

Ling Wuyi knew that Li Ziyu would have such thoughts, so when Li Ziyu asked her, she expressed that she was very willing to let Gu Beicheng be her father.

Hearing that Ling Wuwen said he likes it, Qiao Bo'an felt relieved.

He went on to say: "It can be seen that sister An Yi, your new father and new family love you very much, you have to be obedient and obedient, you know!"

Ling Wuwen nodded obediently again: "I know, brother Bo An, you should visit me often!"

"Don't worry, my brother will definitely come to see you often!" Qiao Bo'an smiled and raised his hand to rub Ling Wu's hair.

Living in a strange home, Qiao Bo'an was a little worried about Ling Wu.

But thinking of Ling Wuyi's adaptability, and during the wedding, he really saw how much Gu Beicheng and the Gu family loved Ling Wuyi.

Including his father also said that the Gu family is all male, and Ling Wuyi must be loved as the daughter of the Gu family.

In that case, he would be relieved.

At most... From now on, he will try his best to visit Gu's house every weekend.


When Ling Wuxi was six years old, after several pleadings, she entered the fourth grade of elementary school, and then went directly to the sixth grade the next day.

Barely finishing the sixth grade, Gu Beicheng sent her directly to the third grade under Ling Wuyi's strong request.

Finished the third year of middle school at the age of eight, and finished high school at the age of eleven.

For a long time, Ling Wuwen was regarded by others as a child prodigy.

In fact, there is no way, she doesn't want to be so boring every day with a group of elementary school students and childish ghosts, it will make her feel like a waste of time.

But fortunately, because Ling Wuwen didn't want to be too high-profile, the fact that Ling Wuwen was admitted to the best university in China with the highest score in the country was suppressed.

However, because he was too young, Gu Beicheng didn't really want Ling Wuyi to go to college right away.

So he proposed to let Ling Wuwen take a break for a few years.

But Ling Wuyi was not very willing, because at this time Qiao Bo'an was studying at University A.

If she goes to college, she will be able to see Qiao Bai'an often!

Qiao Boan used to visit her every weekend when he was in high school, but after college he changed it to once a month.

Later, because of lack of time, Qiao Bai'an often didn't even watch it once a month.

Although she made Xia Lun look at Qiao Bai'an from time to time, she always made Xia Lun look at Lu Meichen!

So most of the time, Ling Wuwen didn't know Qiao Bai'an's movements.

Speaking of Lu Meichen, it took six years in the blink of an eye.

Shen Nanxia didn't marry Lu Meichen in the end, because he really didn't like Lu Meichen.

Five years ago, the engagement between the two was finally broken, this time it has nothing to do with Li Ziyu.

In the past few years, Lu Meichen had thought about dealing with Li Ziyu.

But Li Ziyu was guarded by people when he went in and out, and the Gu family was not a fuel-efficient lamp.

During the holidays, Li Ziyu would take Ling Wuyue to Shen's house to visit.

Just at the beginning of this year, Ling Wuwen and Li Ziyu went to Shen's house.

That time, she saw Lu Meichen.

The halo on Lu Meichen's head has faded to the point where it is almost invisible, so there is basically nothing to worry about.

Just in case... That's why Ling Wuyi still asked Xia Lun to look at Lu Meichen.

This woman Lu Meichen is really hateful and pitiful!

Shen Nanxia and her have broken off their engagement for five years, but she still doesn't give up.

Shen Nanxia would rather be single than marry her, why is she so stubborn?

Ling Wuwen actually... can't figure this out.

Although, Ling Wuyi often encounters people who don't like her, and she insists on it...but it was for the strategy mission before.

After knowing that the other party is Xi Ziqiu's host, of course she can't give up!

But if she followed Ling Wu's wishes, she wouldn't be so stupid to use her youth to guard a man who seemed never to fall in love with her for the rest of her life.

However, Lu Meichen is willing!

Let's talk about going to college.

Because of Ling Wuyue's insistence, Gu Beicheng compromised, saying that he would send Ling Wuyue to University A when school started——

Recently, something is wrong between Gu Beicheng and Li Ziyu.

They always pay attention to Ling Wuwen carefully, pay attention to her every word and every action.

It was Grandpa Gu's question to Ling Wujin that made Ling Wujin finally understand why they did this.

"Xiao Anyi~ If your parents gave you a younger sister, would you be willing?"

"Why is it the younger sister and not the younger brother?" Ling Wuxi, who was playing remote control games with the little grandson of the Gu family, replied casually.

In recent years, the Gu family has pampered her like a princess.

Even the youngest grandson of the Gu family was taught after he became sensible: Sister An Yi should be the most important thing in everything! Sister An Yi's favorite things must not be disputed! Do what Sister An Yi tells you to do! A man is there to protect sister An Yi!

The Gu family has always instilled such things in the Gu family's children, making Ling Wuyi the king of children who makes everyone dare not back down!

The Gu family was kind to Ling Wuwen, and of course Ling Wuwen would be kind to them too.

Over the past few years, the Gu family has become more and more fond of Ling Wu!

Grandpa Gu was taken aback by Ling Wu's answer, and then said: "Because a younger sister can be as beautiful and cute as Xiao Anyi!"

They take care of the family, they have been sons for generations, and they don't have half a daughter!

So Grandpa Gu really wanted to have a great-granddaughter.

Ling Wu squealed, just in time to win against the little grandson of the Gu family again, and the game was over.

She handed the remote control to the little grandson of the Gu family, and the little grandson of the Gu family flattened his mouth: "Sister An Yi, don't you play anymore? I haven't played enough yet!"

"Are you not playing enough or being abused by me enough? You have been playing for an hour, and you won once? Forget it, go do your homework!"

With Ling Wuyi's order, the little grandson of the Gu family had no choice but to do his homework honestly.

Before leaving, he leaned in front of Ling Wuwen: "Then I finish my homework, shall we continue playing?"

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