For three meals a day, you can choose to go to the vegetable market of A to buy vegetables and cook, or you can directly download an ordering software of A to your mobile phone, which has all kinds of dishes.

You can eat anything if you can afford it!

It was already afternoon when Ling Wuyi and Qiao Baian came, and after packing up, it was almost time for dinner.

Qiao Bo'an took out his mobile phone to choose a meal for Ling Wu, and within thirty minutes, the delivery boy delivered the meal.

"After dinner, you go back to your room to take a bath, then watch TV for a while and go to bed. I will take you to the classroom tomorrow morning."

Ling Wuwen took the spoon from Qiao Bai'an, sat opposite him and began to eat: "Won't you take me to school later?"

"You're tired, I'll take you around tomorrow." Qiao Bai'an said.

What's more, based on his years of experience in University A, today is the first day of school, and there are many students outside at night... playing wild games!

There are too many cases like this, he thinks it is better not to take Ling Wuxi out at night as much as possible.

Ling Wuxuan pouted: "Then will you go out later?"

"Of course I won't go out, don't worry!"

With Qiao Bo'an's answer, Ling Wuyi nodded in satisfaction.

After eating, Qiao Bai'an let Ling Wuyi go upstairs first.

When Ling Wuxi finished her shower and went downstairs in her cartoon pajamas, she saw that Qiao Bo'an was not alone in the living room, there was also a very beautiful girl!

Hold the grass! She just went up for a while and took a bath without listening to Qiao Bai'an's words. After this, there will be more women! ! !

Seeing Ling Wuyi come down, Qiao Baian immediately introduced: "An Yi, this is my junior sister Ma Jiayin, I don't understand some questions, so come here and ask."

"Ma Xuemei, this is..."

"Hello senior sister, my name is Gu Anyi, and I'm a freshman." Before Qiao Bo'an introduced her, Ling Wuyi introduced herself with a grin.

She was worried that when Qiao Bai'an introduced her, he would tell others, "This is my sister, Gu Anyi."

As long as the word "sister" is added to introduce her, Ling Wuyi will not be happy.

Although the current Ling Wuwen is a little immature in appearance, but this Ma Jiayin will never guess that Ling Wuwen is too young when she doesn't know her age.

After all, this is a university, and Ling Wuyi also said that she is a freshman.

So Ma Jiayin can only guess that Ling Wuyue has a baby face.

He smiled unnaturally, although he heard that Qiao Bo'an had applied for a villa to live alone with a girl, but after actually seeing her, he was quite shocked in his heart.

She knew that Qiao Bai'an was the only child, so she would not think of her as a younger sister, but only as her girlfriend!

Ma Jiayin looked at Ling Wuqin carefully, Lingwuqin had a very delicate baby face, with a little baby fat on the cheeks, very cute.

Her eyes are big and crystal clear as if they were filled with two black crystal balls.

Her skin is very fair, rosy and tender.

Although she is not tall, her breast development seems to be a little slow.

But it is undeniable that Ling Wu is very beautiful!

"Hello, schoolgirl." Ma Jiayin nodded towards Ling Wuwen as a greeting.

Qiao Bo'an said to Ling Wuwen: "Go up and watch TV for half an hour, then go to bed."

Ling Wu's mouth pouted, with a look of reluctance.

Putting on her slippers, she walked over to Qiao Bai'an and sat down next to Qiao Bo'an: "No~ I'll accept the bed."

Recognize the bed?

Qiao Bo'an was a little surprised, Ling Wuyue didn't seem to have this habit before!

"Then...then what should I do? Or I'll have someone airlift your bed over tomorrow?"

That won't work! If all the beds are brought here, her scheme will not succeed!

Ling Wuwen fell on Qiao Bo'an's shoulder like a deflated ball: "I want to sleep with you~ I won't recognize the bed if I sleep with you!"

Her voice is soft and waxy, and she can vaguely hear the feeling of her childhood.

What Qiao Bo'an can't stand the most is Ling Wu's acting like a baby.

As soon as Ling Wuyi acted like a baby, he surrendered.

Nodding helplessly: "Alright then, you sleep with me tonight, and I'll send someone to bring your bed tomorrow..."

"The bed is delivered, where should I go back to sleep on vacation?" Ling Wuyi tilted her head and looked at Qiao Boan, her chin still resting on his shoulder. seems to be the same.

"Then, you will sleep with me these few days, and then sleep by yourself after you get used to this bed. OK?"

Qiao Bo'an's tone was very gentle, although he was usually gentle with everyone, but that kind of gentleness was more like a polite way.

But Qiao Baian was different when he was talking to Ling Wuwen, his tone was full of respect, and he treated Ling Wuwen as if he was treating the most important person in his opinion.

His tenderness made Ma Jiayin on the side feel something called jealousy towards Ling Wuwen.

Ling Wuyue didn't want to make an inch of it either, at worst she had to deal with it for a few days, after a few days she would say she wasn't used to it!

Nodding with a smile: "Yeah!"

Qiao Bo'an patted Ling Wuyi's head dotingly: "Then you go back to your room first..."

"No, I'll wait for you! Continue with senior sister, I will keep quiet!"

After finishing speaking, Ling Wuyue shut her mouth and sat obediently aside.

Qiao Bai'an had no choice but to acquiesce to Ling Wu's catkin.

He turned his head and continued to explain to Ma Jiayin what she didn't understand.

But Ma Jiayin didn't have the heart to listen to these questions anymore...

"Okay, that's about it. Is there anything else Xuemei Ma doesn't understand?"

Ma Jiayin hesitated for a moment, wanting to say that there was still something she didn't understand.

But Ling Wu, who had been keeping quiet all the time, suddenly interrupted: "Sister is so smart, she must have understood!"

In a word, Ma Jiayin couldn't understand it even if she wanted to.

I had no choice but to smile unnaturally and say, "Well, I understand."

She stood up with her things: "Then I won't bother you, thank you senior!"

"You're welcome."

After seeing off Ma Jiayin, Qiao Bo'an closed the door before turning around and looking at Ling Wuyi who was sitting on the sofa playing with her mobile phone: "An Yi!"

"Ah? What's the matter?" Ling Wuwen looked up at Qiao Bai'an.

Qiao Bo'an looked at Ling Wuwen seriously: "Do you not like Ma Jiayin?"

He has seen Ling Wu's performance just now.

However, Qiao Bo'an was not angry, on the contrary, in his opinion, Ling Wu's performance was really cute!

Ling Wuxi nodded very frankly: "Well, I don't like it!"


Qiao Bo'an was a little puzzled. Ma Jiayin was a female student, and she was very popular no matter if she was a male or a female student.

Why didn't Ling Wuwen like Ma Jiayin in the first place?

Ling Wu pouted and said dissatisfiedly, "Because you keep talking to her and ignore me!"

Hearing Ling Wuyi's answer, Qiao Bai'an was really dumbfounded.

Usually, many juniors and juniors would ask him questions. If Ling Wuni met in the future, wouldn't she not like those people anymore?

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