Ling Wuxi's confession did not take long to prepare.

There are many brothers in the Gu family, and Ling Wuyue asked them to help, and everything was prepared in just three days...

At nine o'clock that night, Ling Wuwen called Qiao Bai'an from the public phone at Disney.

"Hello?" On the other end of the phone, Qiao Bo'an, who answered the phone, was still writing some documents of the company in the study.

"it's me."

"An Yi?" Qiao Bo'an was a little surprised, the caller ID was clearly an unfamiliar number!

To confirm, Qiao Bo'an looked at the calling number on the phone again, it was indeed an unfamiliar number.

"Where are you?" Qiao Bai'an asked Ling Wuyue.

"I'm at Disney, my phone is out of battery, I just remember your number...can you come pick me up?" Ling Wuxi's voice was weak, as if she was a little scared.

Qiao Bo'an didn't think much at all, and responded, "Where are you in Disney now?"

"Here in the castle..."

"You're waiting for me right there, I'll pick you up!" Qiao Bo'an had already gone out with the key while speaking.

Originally, Qiao Bo'an didn't want to hang up the phone, because Ling Wuyi said that she went to Disney alone, so he was very worried after hanging up the phone.

But Ling Wuwen said that she was borrowing a passerby's phone, and she couldn't borrow it for too long, so she hung up without saying a few words.

Because he was really worried about the catkins, Qiao Baian drove the car to the highest speed, and the cars on the road gave way in fright.

It takes at least an hour to drive from Qiaoboan's residence to Disneyland. It came in half an hour.

All the way into Disneyland, Qiao Bo'an didn't see a single person.

Except for the lights, the entire Disneyland and the rides are in operation... It's a little scary quiet.

When Qiao Bo'an arrived at the castle mentioned by Ling Wu, there was still no one there!

Qiao Bo'an was flustered when he couldn't see Ling Wu. Just as he was about to shout... the gate of the castle was opened.

The ones who came out were the Gu brothers in prince costumes.

The Gu family's genes are all very good, and the Gu family brothers look like real princes in prince's clothes!

Qiao Bo'an was stunned for a moment, and his mind was a little confused: "You... are you playing cosplay?"

The Gu family brothers just smiled and didn't speak, they all surrounded Qiao Bai'an, changed him into a knight outfit after three times, five times and two times.

After changing Qiao Bai'an's clothes, the Gu family brothers took out their musical instruments from nowhere and started playing music.

The brisk and melodious music sounded, and a figure slowly walked out of the castle.

Because of the backlight, Qiao Bo'an couldn't see the other person's face clearly, only saw that she was wearing a pink princess dress.

I don't know why, even though he didn't even see the other party's face, Qiao Bai'an was sure that it was Lingwu catkin!

His heartbeat accelerated again, and Qiao Bo'an stood there a little at a loss.

Ling Wuwen came out of the castle, and Qiao Bo'an finally saw her whole picture clearly.

Today's catkin is very, very charming!

Her dress is very similar to the princess on the crystal sculpture Qiao Boan gave her.

Wearing a crown studded with diamonds on her head, she stood there like a real princess. Dazzling!

Ling Wuxi raised her chin and looked at Qiao Bo'an: "Qiao Bo'an, my princess now formally confers you as my princess' knight! The only knight!"

Qiao Bo'an looked at Ling Wuwen in a daze, unable to react.

"Hey~Bo An boy, hurry up and agree!" The Gu family brothers beside him couldn't help urging.

It is a great honor for Qiao Bai'an that the princess of the Gu family can take the initiative to confess her love!

Qiao Baian finally came to his senses after being yelled by the Gu family brothers.

He opened his mouth and suddenly seemed to lose the ability to speak.

Some eagerly stepped forward two steps, looked at Ling Wuwen: "Are you not angry anymore?"

Ling Wuyi put her hands on her hips and said, "I'm angry! So I want to punish you, punish you to be my knight for the rest of your life, and listen to my words for the rest of your life!"

"Okay!" Apart from this word, Qiao Bo'an was so clumsy that he didn't know what else to say.

He was so excited that his body trembled a little, he stretched out his hand and hugged Ling Wu Nie into his arms with a smile.

Ling Wuyi raised her arms to hug Qiao Boan back, lowered her chin to his shoulders, tilted her head, and whispered in his ear, "I've been upset for five years, how do you plan to make it up?"

"From today onwards, if you tell me to go east, I won't go west, and if you tell me to go forward, I will never go back. As long as it is what you say, I will obey!" Qiao Bo'an hugged Ling Wuwen tightly, smiling happily Not from ear to ear.

"Then are you still sneaking away?"

"No, never again!" If time could be turned back, Qiao Bo'an would not have been away for five years even if he was killed!

"If you are disobedient, I will ignore you for the rest of my life!"

"I will be obedient, and only listen to you alone!"

"Well, I trust you—Mr. Knight."

"Thank you for your trust—my princess."


Ling Wuwen and Qiao Bai'an were together, no matter the Gu family, the Shen family or the Qiao family were very happy.

Ling Wuxi was a little upset because she didn't fill up her favorability that night when she confessed.

Ninety-nine points of favorability, just a little bit, didn't add it!

It was not added at that time, and it is even more difficult to add in normal times.

Do you have to wait until you get married?

Oh no, don't wait for marriage.

Because recently the three families are discussing getting engaged first.

Ling Wuyi has no objection to being engaged.

As for Qiao Bo'an, of course he was also very anxious.

Ling Wuxi originally thought that getting engaged would increase her favorability.

However, she still thought that after the engagement ended, her favorability still didn't increase.

But the relationship between her and Qiao Bo'an is much better.

There was no big feast at the engagement banquet, but the Gu family, the Shen family and the Qiao family had a meal together and the elders gave a testimony, so it was considered an appointment.

On the second day of getting engaged, Ling Wuwen moved to live with Qiao Bo'an at his residence.

Qiao Bai'an is very busy at work, but no matter how busy he is usually, he will take time to have three meals with Ling Wuxi every day. On weekends, he would spend a whole day with Ling Wuwen.

Living together with Qiao Bai'an for three months, Ling Wu could not help but return to the days of five years ago.

It's just that the current Qiao Bo'an dotes on her even more!

On this day, Qiao Bo'an received a call. The caller was Ma Jiayin who deliberately recorded and sent it to Qiao Bo'an.

After so many years, Ma Jiayin still contacts Qiao Bo'an from time to time, but Qiao Bo'an is usually in a state of not responding.

When she called this time, Qiao Bo'an happened to be chasing dramas with Ling Wuyue.

After answering the phone, Qiao Bo'an said to Ling Wuyue: "There is a party, all students from University A, do you want to go?"

"Ma Jiayin will go too?" Ling Wuwen shifted his gaze to Qiao Bai'an and asked.

Qiao Bo'an nodded: "Should be going, why ask her if she will go?"

"I told her back then that you belonged to me, but she didn't believe it! Since she's going too, I'll go too and let her know who you belong to!" Ling Wuxi said very arrogantly.

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