Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 989 The Peach Tree Spirit in the End Times (1)

Ling Wuyi didn't go to the world of novels first, but read her own personal platform first.

She wanted to see the report on bug fixes in her last world.

Mission report - minor bug fixes completed!

Small loophole perfection: 10%.

Get a reward of 100 interstellar coins.

Will it be converted into points?

Pfft... You only got a reward of 100 interstellar coins this time? !

That's right, she didn't do anything, and she earned the reward of 100 interstellar coins!

I chose not to redeem points, and then my personal platform appeared.

Restorer: Ling Wu

Age: 40

Gender: Female

Accumulated perfection points: 383

Interstellar currency: 10100

Backpack: Headache gone x 5

Gold Finger: Permanently designated character location searcher (limited to three times per world, each time no more than ten minutes)

Permanent vulnerability crisis alarm (every time a vulnerability occurs in the world, an alarm will be automatically issued)

Protagonist halo see-through eyes (you can see the hero or heroine who has the protagonist aura)

Mind reading (can read people's inner thoughts, each world can only be used three times, each time can only target one person, and each time can only last for one hour)

After reading the personal platform, Ling Wuwen went to the world of novels——

Just arrived in the world of novels, Ling Wuyi felt something was wrong!

It's not that something is wrong, it's her body wow! ! ! !

Ling Wuxi wanted to move her hands, but she heard "shashasha" like the sound of shaking branches and falling leaves.

Turning my head to look, I found myself—it turned out to be a tree!

Ling Wuwen was very surprised, why she could 'see' herself even though she was a tree.

What's even more strange is that her perspective can be changed at will!

But front, back, left and right, above and below...

Anyway, as long as there are branches, you can see the surrounding environment.

Soon Ling Wuwen knew that she was a big tree - "Peach Blossom Tree".

It seems that it should be a peach blossom tree that is not young, otherwise it would not be so 'powerful'!

While looking at her own body, Ling Wuyi actually paid attention to her surroundings.

She was in a city garden, and the host should have been transplanted, otherwise how could such a big tree grow in the city.

This city has a familiar appearance.

There is no other reason. The sky here is gray even in the daytime. There are no cars coming and going in the whole city, and there are no noisy sounds.

Yes, it's just rubbish all over the floor, and cars parked randomly.

Those vehicles are complete, and there is also a look after the accident. The same thing is that they are covered with dust!

There is a kind of creature slowly walking on the streets and roads - zombies!

It's the end of the world again, and that's fine.

But Mao's host would be a peach blossom tree? !

tree! Plants! Can't speak! Can't move!

So what was she doing in this world? Can she use the body of this tree to find Xi Ziqiu's body and attack him? !

At this moment, Ling Wuyi's mood is speechless...

Well, no matter what, let's receive the plot and memory first.

This time there is no plot at all, only a long, long memory...

Yes, the memory of this host is very, very long. Because she had survived for three hundred years before the end of the world!

The body actually has a name, Fei Tao.

Fei Tao already had her own consciousness before the end of the world. She couldn't remember exactly when she became conscious, but she roughly knew that she had lived for three hundred years.

Fei Tao was transplanted to this park in this city five years ago. At that time, her rhizome was injured because of being transplanted, and it took three or four years to grow it well.

Fei Tao remembers that the world changed two years ago.

At that time, she didn't know what happened.

It's just that I suddenly saw that many human beings changed in an instant, became ugly, and became cannibalistic.

Even some animals have become cannibals...

And she also felt an inexplicable change in her body.

She can manipulate those cannibal humans to come to her tree, and then she uses a branch to penetrate their brains, take out stones of various colors, and absorb the energy inside.

Fei Tao didn't know what those stones were, she only knew that she would feel very comfortable after absorbing them!

Later, the more she absorbed, the more greedy she became, wanting to absorb more.

On an unknown day, a group of people passed by the city and the park.

Fei Tao could see that there was a stone in the minds of those people. She wanted to control them with mental power, but failed.

Fei Tao thought for a while, then manipulated the zombies to drive those people over.

Later, Fei Tao successfully absorbed the stones in those people's minds.

Fei Tao, who ate human stones, found that eating human stones is much better than eating zombie stones!

But there were too few humans passing by the park, and there was not enough for her to eat.

Looking at the two-legged human corpse on the ground, Fei Tao thought... If only she could be like a human!

Unexpectedly, she turned into a human form——

Oh my god~ the body can actually transform into a human form! !

After receiving the memory, Ling Wuxi couldn't wait to transform into a human form according to the memory.

It's a pity...the time when Ling Wutiao came here was a bit too early for the person in his body's memory to be able to transform into a human form.

At this time, Fei Tao didn't eat human crystal cores, but only ate zombie crystal cores.

Hey...does she also want to eat human crystal nuclei?

Ling Wuwen twisted her tree body and sighed.

Every time you travel through, you really need a strong ability to accept, or get out of the car and turn into a kitten or puppy or something...

On the first day of becoming a Peach Blossom Tree, Ling Wuwen spent it in a daze... It wasn't exactly a daze, she was recalling all the opposite sexes that she had encountered after the end of the world.

But after thinking about it for a whole day, Ling Wuwen couldn't figure out which opposite sex the host had met that might be Xi Ziqiu's host.

From the second day on, Ling Wuwen began to work hard to transform into a human form.

She needs to hurry up to absorb the crystal nucleus, so that she can quickly transform into a human form to find Xi Ziqiu's body.

The reason why the host Feitao can control zombies is actually very simple, because she is a mutant plant of the spiritual system.

But is a mutated plant that can transform into a human form considered a dryad?

Anyway, it would be nice to be able to take human form.

For the next few days, Ling Wuyi did nothing, but frantically manipulated those zombies of the second and third ranks to come in front of her with spiritual powers.

She absorbed it day and night, from the zombies of the second and third ranks at the beginning to absorbing the zombie crystal nuclei of the fourth and fifth ranks.

It's just that there are too few high-level zombies in this city, not enough for Lingwu to absorb them.

In half a month, only rank one or two and zero rank zombies were left in the city...


The fourth update, there are two more updates (will be updated!).

In order to write the world we like, Mei Kai has been stuck for a long time...

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