Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 994: The Peach Tree Spirit in the End Times (6)

"Little Lunlun!!!"

"I promise, he didn't come to your room!" Xia Lun reflexively raised his hand to make an oath.

Well, Xia Lun is also wondering why Shang Yulie knew that Ling Wuwen had left? !

Obviously Shang Yulie didn't react when Ling Wuwen left, and Shang Yulie didn't even pause when he went upstairs and passed by Ling Wuwen's room.

So, how did Shang Yulie know that Ling Wuwen had left the hotel? !

Ling Wuwen just looked at Shang Yulie, neither admitting nor denying it.

Without Ling Wuyi asking, Shang Yulie automatically explained her doubts.

"My place is comparable to Shunfeng ears~" Shang Yulie pointed to his ears with a smile.

Ling Wuyi kept her facial expression unchanged from the beginning to the end, and after hearing Shang Yulie himself say that his hearing is comparable to Shunfeng's ear, she didn't express anything.

Just a faint "oh", it was considered a response.

Ling Wuyi walked back to the bed and sat cross-legged on the bed, closing her eyes and pretending that Shang Yulie didn't exist.

Shang Yulie pouted, closed the door with his backhand, and unceremoniously got on Ling Wuyi's bed and lay down.

His head was next to Ling Wu's thigh, and he could see Ling Wu's chin when he opened his eyes.

"Catkin, you haven't said whether you went to find something delicious just now? It's been two hours, if you really have something delicious, don't forget about me~"

delicious delicious! Who is the foodie? ?

Ling Wu's eyelashes trembled, and she didn't speak or open her eyes.

Shang Yulie didn't mind Ling Wuwen's ignorance of him, and then said: "Looking at you, Wuti, you can tell that you are not an indifferent person, so it must be because you have been alone for a long time after the end of the world. .”

Then what kind of person should she look like?

"Well, I've decided!!" Shang Yulie's last words caused Ling Wuyi to open his eyes and look down at him strangely.

Decided? What has been decided?

Seeing that Ling Wutian finally opened his eyes to look at him, Shang Yulie grinned and said, "I decided to make you, Wutian, a person like me who is full of passion and enthusiasm for life!"

Ling Wuwen: "..."

Shang Yulie clearly saw the disdain flashing across Ling Wu's eyes.

He sat up with his hands on his hands: "Don't you believe it? Let me tell you..."

"I'm going to sleep." Ling Wuwen interrupted Shang Yulie.

Shang Yulie opened his mouth: "I..."

"You should go." Ling Wuwen interrupted Shang Yulie again.

Shang Yulie opened his mouth, but before he could speak, he rolled his eyes, and first covered Ling Wuyi's mouth with his hand.

He pouted and said unwillingly, "I'll leave after I finish talking!"

Ling Wuwen glared at Shang Yulie, but didn't push him away immediately.

"The thing I want to say is..."

When Shang Yulie said this, he stopped himself. He frowned and looked annoyed: "What am I going to say?"

Ling Wuxi was dumbfounded, is this person real or just pretending?

Taking off Shang Yulie's hand that was covering her, Ling Wuyi directly lifted him by his collar from her bed to the door.

Ignoring whether Shang Yulie looked embarrassed, he said: "I want to sleep." Then he closed the door.

Shang Yulie barely stood firm, and just wanted to walk towards Ling Wuyi's room without giving up...

Ling Wuyi bangs and closes the door mercilessly, almost missing Shang Yulie's nose.

The teammates who heard the movement in the room opened the door and stretched out their necks to look out, and saw their boss looking deflated.

Xu Zhuojia bit her lower lip, but she clearly remembered that room, it was Ling Wu's room!

Young Master Lie...why did you go to Ling Wuyi's room? !

Shang Yulie, who was locked outside the room, touched his almost deformed nose, and let out a sigh of relief: "I almost knocked my beautiful nose crooked~"

After it was over, Shang Yulie knocked on Ling Wupi's door without giving up, and shouted: "What, Wuwen~ I'll talk to you after I remember what I wanted to say just now~"

His only response was silence.

Shrugging his shoulders, Shang Yulie turned and went back to his room——

"Okay little 55, Shang Yulie is gone."

Ling Wu in the room couldn't help giving Xia Lun a blank look: "But I don't need you to tell me right now."

Xia Lun pointed fingers aggrieved: "I... I will definitely pay attention to his subtle facial expressions while looking at Shang Yulie next time!"

Ling Wuxi didn't speak, and fell into deep thought.

Shang Yulie's ability is obviously not weak, maybe even if she is the prototype of Fei Tao, she can't do anything to him.

On the contrary, what can Shang Yulie do to her...

I have to admit that Ling Wuyue has the truth.

Shang Yulie, who can instantly kill tenth-rank zombies across the same rank, can really do something to Ling Wu.

Even though Shang Yulie is Xi Ziqiu's body, Ling Wuyi has to guard against him.

It's been a long time, and the favorability degree is still five points, not added at all.

Five o'clock, in the eyes of Ling Wuyi, whom Shang Yulie personally invited to accompany him, is really too little!

Ling Wuyi can only guess that Xi Ziqiu's brain waves may be relatively small in Shang Yulie's body, or else he wouldn't be so stingy with just adding five favorability points.

I've known Ling Wumi for so long, even if she doesn't speak, Xia Lun can tell what she's thinking through her expression.

I couldn't help but weakly opened my mouth to give Ling Wuwen some advice: "Speaking of Xiao 55, maybe it's because you use such a cold image that you can't increase your favorability?"

Ling Wuwen replied: "You understand that you come to the strategy?"

"You, you, you... I dare not..." How dare he! The chairman will definitely beat him to death!

And... he is Han Zhi, Han Zhi!

Ling Wuwen: "..." That's all she said.

Not to mention that Xia Lun is a Han paper, even if she finds a girl paper to attack Xi Ziqiu, she will never allow it!

However, Ling Wuyi did not intend to accept Xia Lun's proposal.

It is definitely not because of her personality that her favorability cannot be increased. After attacking so many types of Xi Ziqiu's body, Ling Wuyi knows what style to use to attack what style of Xi Ziqiu's body.

Forget it, it's only the first day, so don't worry about your favorability.

In fact, if you think about it, you can also understand the reason why the favorability is not easy to increase. After all, this is the end of the world where people's hearts are more unpredictable!

If you don't have the heart to guard against others, you may be stabbed in the back at any time.

Ling Wuwen picked up the quilt and sniffed it, because no one slept for a long time, the quilt smelled bad.

Curling her lips, Ling Wuwen simply sat cross-legged and went to sleep.

Sure enough, the body is not human, and it is better to sleep while sitting——

The next morning, Ling Wuwen was woken up by a very intense gaze.

When she opened her eyes, she was almost frightened by Shang Yulie who was lying in front of her.

"Shang Yulie!" Ling Wuyi gritted her teeth and stared at Shang Yulie.

Early in the morning, even though she is not human, she will be scared too! ! !


The third more...

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