I happened to have a beautiful woman who had been eyeing here for a while, and walked over with high heels. The style of the style was called some men’s hearts were tickle of.

"Two handsome guys, don't you mind having a drink together?" She licked her long hair, her lips with a smile, her eyes wide, and she was very good.

Zhou Yanyang noticed that although the person said this on his mouth, his eyes were staring at the Prince.

The black-haired boys are low-eyed, even if they are expressionless, the hormones that attract the opposite **** are also scattered around.

The beauty of the woman is fretting, she is the first time to see this kind of high-quality man, although the age is still small, but the temperament can not fool people, so the more tempted, see people did not speak, more daring, Pasted up.

But before I touched someone, I heard the words of the other person vomiting from the throat without any feelings, "roll."

The beautiful look of the ugly, stunned the person, and screamed away.

Handsome has a fart, not a blind eye.

Zhou Yuyang’s teasing jockey said, “Although the perfume is strong, it’s a big beauty.”

Jiang Jingyi was too lazy to pay attention to it, and poured a glass of wine. After a while, he slowly began to speak. "I will only say to you alone."

Zhou Yuyang was amazed, and he rarely saw the unhappy look of Prince Zi, but he also had to stop with him.

He couldn't help but say, "What is it?"

The prince looked up and looked at him with a faint gaze. "I doubt I can't."

"Hey--" Zhou Yanyang squirted the wine in his mouth, causing the waiter who wiped the glass to take a look.

Prince Edward is black.

Zhou Yanyang was busy calming his face. "Oh, no, Prince, you shouldn’t be like that."

Jiang Jingyi looked at him with a gaze, and said with a black face, "No."

"What is that?" Zhou Yiyang thought, isn't the meaning of your words misunderstood?

Prince Edward’s face was ugly. “I have worked hard for a few months, and she hasn’t moved yet.”

Zhou Yuyang understood what he meant. "You mean, you want the big beauty to be pregnant, but not pregnant?"

Prince Edward nodded.

"Prince, I am not saying, why have you never thought that there is a problem with the beauty of the big girl?" Zhou Yuyang was cold and unguarded.

Prince Sirius stared at him in a gloomy moment.

Zhou Yiyang was busy waving his hand. "I said something wrong, I have a palm."

He thought to himself, Prince Siren seems to have really loved the Lin Erxi, and he did not hesitate about the dignity of men. He doubted himself for the first time, not what love is miserable?

But he really felt that this thing was not that simple, but he did not dare to touch the second time again. "That Prince, what are you going to do?"

Jiang Jing’s head was drinking, and for a while, “Go to the hospital to check it out.”

Zhou Yanyang held back and laughed. "You shouldn't be serious."

But if you look at it, if it is not the problem of Prince, it is a big beauty problem.

But this is not something to be happy about. He converges on his face and looks at the Prince in front of him and sighs.

"It's not like your style." Zhou Yanyang smiled.

He is referring to the fact that Prince Sidd wants to let the big beauty get pregnant.

Prince Edward sees the other person as more important than anyone else, and how can she be willing to let her get pregnant at this time.

Zhou Yiyang thought that the Prince was a joke, but he did not expect the other party to go to the hospital.


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