Quick Transmigration: Rescuing the Blackened Male Lead

Chapter 1876: Wife, I am so hurt (51)

"If.. If there is another time, then you will be ruthless."

She is almost convinced by her acting skills.

Shen Mubai thought of it, then touched the head of the boy. "You take a rest, and the king will come to see you later."

Did not see at all, when she turned and left, the teenager flashed an unknown dawn.

Since it is a male pet, I can’t say it at night.

But after going through the noon today, I don’t have to think about it. Naturally, I have to go to Yin Xueyuan.

When I was on the couch, Shen Mubai lay down and hesitated, or the young boy was in his arms.

Seeing that his hands and feet are cold, and some of them can’t bear to be close to a few points. "Okay, rest."

I don’t know how long it took, Yin Xueyuan whispered a word, "Wife Lord..."

Shen Mubai’s voice responded with a fuzzy voice, “Well?”

"I am so painful..." The young voice said uncomfortable, and the body was drilled into her arms and held tightly. "It hurts..."

Her sleepiness was scared, and she quickly got up, "Snowy?"

The teenager has a nasal voice, and the voice is slightly crying. "It hurts."

His body was constantly affixed, and it seemed to be a bit uncomfortable.

When Shen Mubai suddenly got nervous, "I went to light and asked the doctor to come over."

"Don't go.." Yin Xueyuan is somewhat difficult to talk about, almost praying, "Don't, wife."

The voice of the boy was a little hoarse, and the sorrow that couldn’t be said was like the mother cat of the spring, which made people feel flustered.

Shen Mubai’s brain was like being hit by someone.

According to the customs of the North, the men will usher in their first dreams.

It’s a bit similar to the hairpin. If you don’t vent it all the time, it will always hurt. Usually, a man’s father will instill this kind of thought, commonly known as 撸—

The wealthy and powerful people are the people who know this aspect to teach these buddies, on the one hand, to ease, and the other is to serve the future wife.

In the realization that the male lord ushered in the early dream period, Shenmu pharynized and swallowed water, making it impossible to call people.

Even if Nalan Fengyue knows that his emperor can't break his body now, but he is used to it on weekdays, it is impossible to be pure and do nothing.

She had to bite the scalp, "Snow Yuan.. How old have you taught your father?"

"Those?" The teenager looked at it with some sorrow.

Although Shen Mubai could not see the look on the other's face, he could hear it and coughed. "Don't you even understand this?"

Yin Xueyuan bit his lip. "I.. I know this, but I am the first time..."

He grabbed the woman's hand with some uncomfortable feelings. "Wife wife.. I hurt."

It seems to have lost his mind. He is a bit smug, "Wife Lord...?"

Shen Mubai wants to open the boy, but when he thinks about it, he can only help each other. He secretly swears and says, "You just need to hold it and move again."

Yin Xueyuan stopped and went to pull the clothes on her body. Some of them were difficult to tell, according to the woman’s instructions.

Shen Mubai took a sigh of relief and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead.

Before she could let her down, the young man cried and felt tears, and he did not move. "Mother and wife.. It hurts.."

Shen Mubai, "..."

She resisted the urge to vomit blood. "Just move, don't stop."

The young man licked his lips and curled into a ball, clenching his back and not talking.


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