In fact, it was the same. When she was facing her back, Jiang Yiran turned his body.

The white shirt and the black sweatpants are a bit large in the body of about one meter six. Shen Mubai stood up and was quite awkward.

At this time, the cool sound of ice and ice sounded, "Is it dressed?"

Shen Mubai blushed red and whispered a response.

Jiang Yiran turned around, and when he saw the girl standing on the bed, the light shimmered.

Although the shovel's face was not cold, but Shen Mubai inexplicably felt that under the other's eyes, he gave birth to an indescribable sense of shame.

When Jiang has gone, he grows tall, even if the girl is standing on the bed, it will not give people a feeling of looking up, but the sense of indifference.

Shen Mubai heard him say to himself, "Come here."

The body naturally responded to the instructions, and when it came back to God, she had already passed.

Jiang Yiran bent down slightly and rolled up the girl's trousers with the slender hands, revealing the white and delicate feet. The toes are round and very cute, slightly pale pink.

When the light was dark, Jiang Yiran felt that his throat was slightly dry. He forced himself to look away, and then he collected all the looks on his face. When it is lifted up, it has returned to its original cold appearance.

Shen Mubai looked down at him and pulled his trousers for himself. He quickly turned his eyes away from the moment when the other person’s eyes looked up, and his heart was too nervous to be overwhelmed.

The low head of her knees, she couldn’t help but yell at her finger, "That... I..."

"You are my cat." The unique icy sound line gives the most soothing feeling in the summer.

Listening to Shen Mubai’s ear, like the ice in the refrigerator, she was so cold that she was stunned and stunned for a while. She dying and screaming, “I am not...”

Looking at the pitiful and sly girl in front of her eyes, Jiang Yiran’s eyes slipped through the incomprehensible smile.

Did not get a response, Shen Mubai quietly Mimi raised his head, but did not expect to crash into a pair of deep seas, at that moment, she almost felt that she was tightly restrained by the other side, to draw the ground as a prison.

Jiang Yiran slicked her slender neck, faintly, "Bell."

Shen Mubai subconsciously touched the things on his neck. This stuff actually changed with her body changes.

Desperately bowed his head and did not dare to look at each other. Shen Mubai was as tight as a bow.

Jiang Yiran took out a pair of brand new slippers from the cupboard, then squatted at the bedside and raised his face. "Sit down."

Although Shen Mubai was very nervous, he still sat down.

Jiang suddenly held her white tender feet and then put on her slippers.

Shen Mubai was even more blushing, and he couldn’t say a word.

Jiang Yiran stood up if nothing had happened. When the line of sight fell inadvertently in a certain place, he stunned.

Shen Mubai, who still kept his head down and didn't talk, didn't notice his strangeness. When a pair of white hands fell on her chest button, he was slightly shocked and looked up like a frightened stun. The blind man.

Jiang Yiran faintly explained to her gaze, "showing."

Shen Mubai's face is even more red.

The girl's body is still in the developmental stage, but it can also faintly outline a seductive curvature. Jiang Yanran's face is indifferent, and then the mouth is opened. "I have breakfast, I will take you to buy clothes."


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