Quick Transmigration: Rescuing the Blackened Male Lead

Chapter 829: Hey, I am behind you (45)

Letter in Chinese. The fastest update to wear the latest chapter of the rescue black boss boss!

Shen Mubai stood beside him, "Left."

"Left encounter." She screamed again.

I don't expect the teenager to see her, hear her voice, just want to call his name, and then silently accompany him to finish this road.

The left side stopped.

Shen Mubai also stopped with him. She looked at the teenager. "What happened to the left?"

The left side slightly raised his head, reached out and wiped the bloodstains from the corners of his mouth, and the slightly squinting eyes were filled with a deadly taste.

Shen Mubai said, "There is still a little bit."

The teenager did not hear her words.

Shen Mubai extended his hand and simulated the physical **** rubbing of the cheeks because of the skin, and then whispered, "Sorry, if you can, I will be like a superman, when you were born, secretly put You take it away and give you the best things in the world."

The left side slightly squinted, stretched out his fingers and touched his cheeks, passing through her, wiping off the blood that oozes.

Shen Mubai smiled silently. She didn't know what she was laughing at, and then the tears suddenly fell.

She doesn't know what it feels like to have a family, but if she is such a family, she feels she would rather not.

The left side continued to move forward, he climbed the stairs, and the pace was slightly slower.

Shen Mubai knew that Chen Jiahui’s few fists fell on him and he couldn’t get anywhere. Even if he had a terrible pain, Zuo Yu would not reveal these emotions.

The two stopped in front of Room 401, Zuo Fuzhong did not seem to be at home, left to take the key to open the door, went in, and then turned on the lights to change shoes.

Shen Mubai always followed him behind him, watching his movements silently.

Zuo Fuzhong came back only at nine o'clock. He drank a drink, held a bottle in his hand, and then lay down on the sofa and poured a few more mouthfuls.

When Shen Mubai saw him, he felt sick, countless vicious thoughts, and let Zuo Fuzhong die.

But just thinking about it, the other party did not die as expected, but lived well and lived in the world like a personal scum.

Shen Mubai just looked at him coldly and then returned to the room of Zuo Yu.

Zuo Yu is doing the paper, the college entrance examination is almost coming.

He squinted his eyes and his eyes fell on it, and the movements were written slowly.

Shen Mubai also had fantasies, waiting for the left to meet high school, moving out of this place, starting a new life, it should be much better.

But she forgot, the left is dead.

So when Zuo Fuzhong slammed the door of the left encounter, she just disgusted and bored with this scum.

Zuo Fuzhong had no wine, and he was drunk and took the left to let him buy it for himself.

The left left with a loud voice, and then bought a dozen beer.

Zuo Fuzhong was drinking and lying on the sofa in the living room.

After a while, I yelled again. "Small beasts, I will give them out."

The left-hander who wrote the paper in the room ignored him this time.

Zuo Fuzhong screamed again, and he began to get upset with some anger, then swayed over the bottle and swayed over.

Then began to hit the door of the left encounter, jingling as a jingle.

Shen Mubai felt that Zuo Fuzhong’s spirit was somewhat excited, and he worried that the left side would really open the door, and that he would not have to pay attention to the people from the beginning to the end.

Zuo Fuzhong said, "You **** dare not listen to Laozi..."


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