Wang Ruiling, who was sitting on the bed, had a look of shock on her face.

She seemed a little at a loss, looking at Aunt Su's actions.

Before giving birth, she knew how patriarchal this rural old woman was.

In front of the second brother and third brother's house, those who gave birth to sons looked smiling, while those who gave birth to daughters were all losers.

Wang Ruiling was an educated youth who came to Shangcheng to go to the countryside. She originally wanted to work in farming honestly for a few years. After waiting and performing well, she could return to the city to study at university.

Probably because of his good looks, he was naturally coveted.

Wang Ruiling was targeted by the second scoundrel in the village. This scoundrel took advantage of the darkness to do something to Wang Ruiling.

Everyone was trapped in the wheat field. Su Weimin from the captain's family came over and beat away the second-rate son.

Seeing Wang Ruiling's disheveled clothes, Su Weimin quickly took off his clothes and put them on her body.

I sent Wang Ruiling back to the educated youth point.

but! ! This scene was seen by another educated youth, who made a small report saying that Wang Ruiling and Su Weimin were playing hooligans.

After all, when you fall in love now, you have to report and apply.

Finally, with no other option, Wang Ruiling had no choice but to marry this country man.

Although Su Weimin's father is the captain of the Third Production Brigade, his family conditions are pretty good for rural areas.


Who is Wang Ruiling?

I am a girl who lives in the city and goes to the countryside. How can I watch these things?

Forced to have no choice but to stay, Wang Ruiling could only stay.

Originally, when I saw that I had given birth to a girl, I was afraid that I would not feel good about it.

Who would have thought that this Aunt Su would be so loving and pampered.

"Third daughter-in-law, you put the child to sleep first, and I'll make some noodles for you."

Aunt Su looked at the child curiously for a long time.

Oh, she is indeed a girl with a koi destiny.

Children in normal villages are born black and red and wrinkled.

But this kid, no.

It's fair and tender, especially this hair, it's really nice.

Although she was asleep with her eyes closed now, the sound of her crying just now was extremely bright.


Wang Ruiling took the child and gently placed it under the quilt. Facing her mother-in-law's gentle tone, she still felt a little unbelievable.

It's really surprising that this happened suddenly.

Aunt Su went out.

Wang Ruiling looked at the girl she had just given birth to in a daze, and slowly closed her eyes.

She is a city girl who has gone to high school. Her parents live in the city and both have formal jobs.

She is going to college.

She has never been in a passionate relationship.

that's all? ?

Is this where my life ends?

Because of this child, will he have to stay in this rural area and farm for the rest of his life?

Wang Ruiling sat stupidly for a long time, until Aunt Su walked in with a bowl of noodles.

"Three sons and daughters-in-law, please eat while it's hot."

With that said, Aunt Su put the bowl of noodles into Wang Ruiling's hand with a smile.

Wang Ruiling looked at the bowl in her hand. This bowl of noodles turned out to be snow-white fine noodles, with two eggs and a few green vegetables lying on it.

Finally, there are a few drops of sesame oil on top.

The aroma is overwhelming.

After giving birth, Wang Ruiling's body felt very empty. At this time, this steaming bowl of noodles with fragrant aroma made her index finger move.

It's just... I just gave birth to a girl, and she fed herself so well.

I heard from my sisters-in-law before that my mother-in-law favored sons over daughters. She would only give eggs to the baby after giving birth to a boy and give him half a month to confine himself.

After giving birth to a girl, she had nothing to eat and had to rest for seven days before going to work in the fields to earn work points.

"Eat quickly."

Seeing that Wang Ruili had been dumbfounded and not eating noodles, Aunt Su hurriedly urged her.

"Yes, thank you mom."

Wang Ruiling thanked her and started eating.

After a bowl of hot noodle soup, my whole body felt warm.

"Okay, please take a rest and take good care of my sweet grandson."

Aunt Su took the bowls and chopsticks.

Wang Ruiling nodded and lay down in a daze.

After waiting for Aunt Su to go out, Wang Ruiling still looked confused and strange.

Suddenly, Wang Ruiling got up again, reached out to pull open the child's diaper, and took a look.

This is a girl!

This mother-in-law had such a good child, she almost subconsciously thought she was giving birth to a boy.

Feeling inexplicable, Wang Ruiling fell asleep in the mist.

This time, Su Nuo traveled through time and was a newborn baby.

After she drank milk and slept for a while, her mind became slightly clearer.


In this world, the absolute protagonist is the woman sleeping next to her, Wang Ruiling, a legendary story of a strong business woman.

This Wang Ruiling, her mother is a teacher and her father is an engineer.

Although she is the only daughter in the family, she still responds to the call and goes to the countryside.

Then in this countryside, we encountered that mess again.

After giving birth to a baby girl, my heart softened a little, and I planned to stay in the mountains until I could take the exam before going out.

When the time comes, you can also get divorced.

She is a daughter anyway, I believe the Su family will not compete with her.

However, what Wang Ruiling didn't expect was that Aunt Su was particularly interested in this child and took the child away directly afterwards.

The child is closer to her.

In contrast, Aunt Su also looked down upon her.

In addition, later, she wanted to go to college, and her family was afraid that she would never come back, so Aunt Su directly asked Su to divorce her in her name.

The child was not allowed to be seen by Wang Ruiling.

Wang Ruiling returned to the city in tears. While going to college and working hard, she finally met her destiny and gave birth to a well-behaved daughter.

Probably out of guilt for her previous daughter, Wang Ruiling gave all her love to her alone.

Later, the two daughters fell in love with the same man...

The original owner must be inferior to this girl in everything.

In the end, you can't get what you ask for. Maybe the good luck you have will be better if you stay with the heroine.

Perhaps, when I was with my grandma in the countryside, I used up so much that there was nothing left in the end.

After Su Nuo absorbed the plot, she thought in her heart that she must be with her.

After all, she was still young. Su Nuo's eyelids twitched and she fell asleep after a while.

When she fell asleep, her little hands tightly grasped Wang Ruiling's sleeves.

I don't know how much time passed, but Wang Ruiling woke up. When she opened her eyes, she saw the white and soft dough in front of her.

so cute.

Wang Ruiling is a person with a relatively cold personality, but when she looks at her daughter, her heart instantly turns to water.

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