Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 1092 The patient's little brother, shall we bask in the moon together? (104)

I have to say that today's V blog has a huge amount of information.

The siege battle in the game last night, including the humiliating story of Qingtian being forcibly cut back to level 5, was indeed discussed by players on the Asia-Pacific server.

The players are also divided into two groups. One group thinks that the telescope and the nine major alliances are too deceiving, and the other group believes that as long as the rules of the game are not violated, people have done nothing wrong.

As a result, the two sides quarreled so much that the amount of discussion skyrocketed, and this matter was sent to the front row of the hot search.

During the quarrel, some of Qingtian's fans even posted the fuse of the whole thing - a real photo of the [Xingxing Astrometer], and pointed out that Qingtian was the victim, and he was the victim This old grandmother pretending to be a tender apprentice deceives her feelings.

However, as soon as the photo came out, some people were less calm.

They only thought that the "grandmother" in this photo seemed a little familiar...

No, it didn't take long for the public relations department of Xiang's chaebol to post a V-blog with a relevant tag, giving this hot search a big sap.

@xiang's chaebol official: Who spread the rumor that our eldest lady is a grandma? You are the grandma, your whole family is grandma! !

There is also an artistic photo of Xiang Xing under the blog post.

In the photo, she is wearing a fairy-like elf dress, standing in a quiet forest.

With a little makeup on her face as delicate as porcelain, she is already stunning. His long silver-white hair cascaded down his shoulders like a waterfall, and he wore a wreath of olive branches on top of his head.

The whole person looks pure and ethereal, like an angel who is not stained by the world.

Instead, Xiang Xing was stunned by himself.

"Isn't this a photo I took in the holographic reality last weekend... how could they have it."

The little guy asked lightly subconsciously, then turned his soft eyes and glanced at Jiang Yecheng.

But after seeing the touch of arrogance on the corner of his mouth, the whole person suddenly understood again, and his eyelashes flickered.

Well, this guy must have let it out on purpose.

Forget it, it looks good anyway, just let them po.

However, as soon as this photo came out, it caused quite a stir among a group of players who were arguing.

Some impulsive players who haven't had time to see the photo clearly start spraying directly.

[Hey, you guys are a big group anyway, so the heat of our small circle is too ugly to eat? ]

[Hey, it's so fast, I'm afraid it's not forcibly washed... Why, Xiang's family is also bought one day? ]

[But I have to say one thing, I think the people in these two photos are a bit similar...]

It didn't take long for some skeptical little clever ghosts to take the photos on both sides for a detailed comparison.

This comparison is incredible. Everyone was surprised to find that the people in these two photos, from height to posture, to facial features, are almost exactly the same!

It's just that there is a young and beautiful girl at first glance, and an old man who is already goosebumps.

The melon-eating players were suddenly a little stunned.

Difficult, could it be that this planetarium belongs to the eldest lady of the Xiang family...grandmother? Or grandma?

Just when everyone was guessing, the public relations department of Xiang's chaebol over there sent out another photo.

And this photo is almost identical to the "real photo" of the planetarium!

It's just that the girl in the photo is exactly the same as the elf art photo in the previous photo. She is a young and beautiful girl, and she has no wrinkles!

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