Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 1096 The patient's little brother, shall we bask in the moon together? (108)

However, as soon as she finished speaking, she saw that her best friend had a beautiful face and frowned, as if she was thinking about something.

After a long while, he lightly shook his head at her: "...let's take it easy."

"...Ah? Shouldn't the iron be struck while it's hot?"

Fang Yali didn't seem to understand.

As everyone knows, at this time, Tao Yang already had a vague premonition in his heart.

The V blog has been posted for a few hours, and the topic has long been discussed by the people who eat melons and become a pot of porridge.

But some people here are too calm.

So far, neither the Xiang family nor Xiang Huai have come forward to say anything.

Even Xiang's public relations department, which is still active, doesn't seem to want to come over to explain.

In other words, this group of people are either pretending to be dead, or... have a back-up move.

And here, what made her worry the most was Jiang Yecheng.

The backstage employee of the V blog she bought the relationship with just sent a tip. Jiang Yecheng's account has always been online, and he is always in touch with those big V accounts who have clarified to Xiang Xing's game circle.

But he ignored Fang Yali's V blog, and didn't even read it.

Based on what she knew about Jiang Yecheng over the years, this was too abnormal.

Thinking of this, Tao Yang's eyebrows couldn't help frowning even deeper.

Could it be that she is still too hasty?

However, with all the "evidence" in her hands, even if Jiang Yecheng has three heads and six arms, it is impossible to overthrow it!

After all, she had already said hello to those industry experts he knew.

It'll be alright, it won't be...

In order to calm down his troubled and restless heart, Tao Yang could only comfort himself like this.

However, the next second, a short and harsh mobile phone push sound made her almost sit on the ground in shock.

That's her trumpet's V blog's special attention reminder sound!

And there is only one special pass for this trumpet...

@江晞城: @運勞 Mother @ Xiang Huai @ still very young Jiang An @ Xiang's chaebol official @ Jiang Yue-official Weibo @ Yuncheng Judicial Appraisal Center, just a piece of paper can't convince me, so we How about doing a live broadcast of DNA identification directly on this V blog?

As soon as these words came out, the topic of melon field was fried again.

Jiang Yecheng actually directly questioned the authority of the appraisal center!

This move obviously angered the official blog of the appraisal center who was @ for no reason, so angry that the other party quickly stood up and matched with him.

@Cloud City Judicial Appraisal Center: Mr. Jiang@jiangyecheng, the Internet is not a place outside the law, you are responsible for your own words!


@jiangyecheng: I will naturally be responsible for my remarks, but at the same time, I hope to keep the appraisal strength and authority of your center.

@江時城: Could it be that your center has some concerns and it is not convenient to do another appraisal?

Seeing this scene, the appraisal center was not at all pissed off.

@Cloud City Judicial Appraisal Center: We have a clear conscience! Mr. Jiang, please make an appointment!

@jiangyecheng: OK.


After uttering the last word, Jiang Yecheng smiled and put away the tablet slowly.

Turning to raise his hand, he gently rubbed the head of the little guy who had been tired of watching V Bo for a long time and had fallen asleep again in his arms.

After poking the girl's puffy cheeks, the man squinted his obsidian-like eyes and was about to speak.

At this moment, the little girl who was busy outside suddenly trotted over.

"Master, the guest is here."

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