Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 1098 The patient's little brother, shall we bask in the moon together? (110)

"Your confidence and demeanor are much stronger than your father back then."

Teacher Wan laughed lightly, but stopped talking.

After sitting silently for a while, he let out a deep breath and stood up slowly.

"I'm going back to prepare first. If you have any other needs, please also ask Mr. Jiang to contact me in time and keep in touch with me."

After saying that, Teacher Wan stopped lingering and looked away, and turned around calmly to leave.

"Teacher Wan,"

Jiang Yecheng suddenly stopped him again.

After a short pause, she didn't look back, she just said with a low smile, "Xing'er asked me to tell you that she would like to thank you for your recommendation, so that she can overcome all the opinions and successfully obtain the painting "Spring River, Flowers and Moonlight"."


Hearing this, Teacher Wan was startled, and suddenly stopped.

But still didn't say anything and left calmly.

Hearing the faint sound of the door closing downstairs, the man on the balcony couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.

Really weird guy.


three days later.

The lobby of the Yuncheng Judicial Appraisal Center was crowded with reporters and media carrying holographic cameras, as well as some people who came to watch the excitement.

On the evening of the previous day, Jiang Yecheng finally made an appointment with the appraisal center to do his live appraisal about the grievances and grievances of the rich and powerful, after the entire internet was scratching his head.

It is said that when his rhetoric was released, he was also opposed by the current chairman of Jiang Yue, who is also Jiang Yecheng's father.

But unexpectedly, the old urchin of the Jiang family fully supported the eldest grandson's decision, and even robbed his son of the right to speak, and personally presided over this slightly special event.

It even directly amplifies this live event into a world-class live broadcast.

As for the Xiang family, in order to clarify the unwarranted hat on his head, Xiang Huai quickly agreed to cooperate.

It didn't take long for members of the two sides to arrive at the scene one after another, causing a sensation after another.

At that time, behind a window on the second floor of the appraisal center, Fang Yali was anxiously looking at the crowd of people below.

After a pause, he finally looked back at his best friend Tao Yang vaguely, and his tone was uncertain: "Yangyang, are you really... can you be sure of everything?"

If it was their Xiang family who took all of it and wanted to prove their innocence in front of the whole world, that's all.

Now this Jiang family, who has nothing to do with it, has put their reputation on the line!

If there is no certainty, how can such an irrational decision be made?

"I said Lily, you said the same thing, you have asked me hundreds of times in the past few days!"

Tao Yang was not at all flustered, and was still brewing Kung Fu tea leisurely and elegantly.

As he sipped tea, he chuckled confidently, "Lily, let's not tell the truth, it's still in our hands, even if our old man and Acheng want to do something behind their back, I dare to make a deal with you, they can't do it. stand up!"

"...Didn't you let me stabilize and slow down before?"

Fang Yali felt that she could not guess the heart of this good girlfriend.

It was her who was most worried about a while ago.

But since last night, inexplicably, as if something good happened to her, she began to convince her again.

She wanted to ask her why, but she didn't want to tell herself.

Thinking of this, Fang Yali suddenly felt a little powerless.

For some reason, she always vaguely felt that although Tao Yang was indeed trying to help her with all her strength, she somehow sensed the illusion of taking advantage of her help.

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