Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 1102 The patient's little brother, shall we bask in the moon together? (114)

In this case, the cost is too great!

Here, a group of media reporters and the people who eat melons are talking about it, I saw that the screen in the appraisal room seemed to have a result.

However, Fang Yali, who was the first to see the matching result of the gene sequence, couldn't help but let out a low cry, and her legs went limp.

If it wasn't for Xiang Qian to support her, she would have collapsed to the ground under the eyes of the whole world.

How, how can this happen!

Looking at the huge final value on the screen, Fang Yali was shocked and her lips trembled, her pupils clenched.

Actually, there is only a 25% match rate? !

How could it be that the paternity test result she received last time was clearly 99.999%!

Not only her, but even the old minister standing on the other side was so surprised that his glasses almost flew to the ground when he saw the huge number.

"How is that possible?!...Teacher, did you make a mistake!"

He couldn't hold back, he pushed open the door of the appraisal room and rushed in, ran to Professor Qian, and asked loudly.

Seeing that he didn't wear a mask and didn't even take disinfection measures, he rushed in like this, and a faint look of displeasure flashed across Mr. Qian's eyes.

He paused, but didn't say anything, just got up silently and made way for the old minister.

"You can do it all over again, and you won't know!"

Professor Qian shook his head slightly, and generously backspaced all his calculation results.

Seeing this, the old minister swallowed hard.

But he still sank his mind, took the gloves and mask handed over by his assistant, and calmly re-appraised the analysis.

The gene sequences on the big screen are arranged in order again.

However, after 20 minutes, the results of the analysis on the screen - were completely consistent with Qian Lao's analysis results!


That is to say, in the identification and analysis of the kinship relationship, the gene matching rate of Xiang Xing and Xiang Huai is 25%, and they both belong to the same maternal relationship.

However, the patriarchy index is 0!

Seeing the same result in his own hands, the old minister was immediately dumbfounded.

He was stunned for a long time, then slapped the table in anger, stood up abruptly, and turned to all the researchers in the appraisal room.

Angrily roared: "Who did the last paternity test?! Why is there such a big discrepancy, ah?!"


The crowd looked at each other in silence.

After a while, the little nurse who sampled the samples stood up tremblingly and whispered, "Yes, Teacher Cai did it..."

She paused, as if thinking of something, and added another sentence, "However, the sample sent last time required a father-daughter paternity test, not a paternity test... Therefore, only a paternity test was taken. Standard locus sequences..."

"There is no paternity index, and there are so many mismatches in STR loci polymorphisms. How did he, Cai Nan, make a 99.999% genetic match, ah?"

The old minister was so angry that he raised his big hand uncontrollably, and then forced it to accept it.

After taking a deep breath and forcibly stabilizing his emotions, he continued to speak sensibly, "Where's Cai Nan? He didn't go to work today?"

"Huh? Teacher Cai was still there just now..."

Hearing this, the group of people couldn't help looking around suspiciously, looking for Teacher Cai's figure, "Did you go to the bathroom..."

"Yo, what happened, hurry up and escape?"

Seeing this scene, Mr. Jiang, who had been watching from the window, couldn't help laughing.

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