Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 1108 The patient's little brother, shall we bask in the moon together? (120)

On the contrary, the old man of the Jiang family was very gloating.

"My good grandson-in-law, did your grandfather and your father fight? How is the battle? Did that old ghost Xiang Yan get beaten to the ground? Hahaha..."


Hearing that unbridled laughter, Xiang Xing couldn't help twitching the corners of his lips.

I was speechless.

Really, really worthy of decades of plastic dog tail grass brotherhood.

But soon, Mr. Jiang suddenly screamed at the other end of the receiver.

"Stinky boy, why are you robbing my cell phone! Obviously I called my good grandson's daughter-in-law! You, you, hum! ... You bully the old man! ..."

The old man Jiang screamed and howled for a while, and then Jiang Yecheng's helpless, soft and hoarse voice rang out from the receiver.

"You haven't slept yet?"

"I can't sleep, I'm watching a TV show."

The little guy pursed his pink lips and answered honestly.

She is honestly watching the giant ethics drama.

Sure enough, listening to her nonsensical answer, the other end of the phone was silent for a while.

Then, he smiled even more helplessly: "You can leave them alone, their ice won't break until tonight."

"It's you, who always sleeps during the day these days, and eats and plays like crazy in the sleeping cabin at night... The biological clock has to be adjusted back to me right away, you know?"

This little guy will have his birthday in half a month.

At that time, if she reverses the biological clock for him...

He would definitely be unable to bear it, and dismantled the sleeping cabin and threw it away.

"...Didn't I already adjust my biological clock well today?"

Hearing the man's light rebuke, Xiang Xing couldn't help lowering the corners of his eyes a little aggrieved.


She didn't sleep all day today, and several tubes of blood were drawn.

I can't help but fall asleep after a while, for sure.

——Besides, watching TV dramas and falling asleep, isn't that their normal operation for chasing drama red scarves.

(Duck Duck: It's quack!)

Thinking of this, the little guy blinked softly, and couldn't help sticking out his tongue towards the smart watch, making a small face.

He deliberately yawned again and said vaguely, "Then I'll go to bed now, good night, brother Acheng."

After she finished speaking, she didn't wait for Jiang Yecheng to reply, and just dropped the call.

After secretly laughing for a while, he stood up and ran to the bedside, grabbed the big pillow and the air-conditioning quilt, and spread it directly behind the door.

After that, he jumped up with a quack, resting on Tao Tao's corgi's butt, and continued to lie on the crack of the door, looking at the two large statues that seemed to have solidified outside.

Time passed by minute by minute.

In the end, Xiang Xing finally lost to these two people who were so calm and strange, and the eyelids began to fight, and a pair of soft eyes yawned full of wet tears.

However, just as she was about to fall asleep—

The door of the Xiang family's residence was kicked wide open!

The great movement not only made the little guy wake up instantly, but also activated the two sculptures.

The three pairs of eyes looked at the sound in unison.

However, he saw a tall and straight figure, and under the anxious pulling of the Xiang family's old housekeeper, he walked in from the door without haste.

"...Acheng, it's so late, what are you doing here?"

The old man Xiang reacted, and there was a strange look of doubt on his face.

There is also a slight dissatisfaction.

He came, and he kicked the door of his house!

However, in the next second, as if he had guessed what he was thinking, there was another burst of sassy laughter outside the gate.

"Old ghost, this door was kicked by Lao Tzu, why do you want me to lose money!"

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