Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 1110 The patient's little brother, shall we bask in the moon together? (122)

Even Wan Ziyuan was a little unhappy when he heard it.

He couldn't help but follow behind the old man and said, "Mr. Jiang, Xiao Xing hasn't married you yet. Will it be a little bit if you pick her up this evening..."

"Compared to you and Aunt Xiang Chu back then, Xing'er and I are at least engaged."

Jiang Yecheng interrupted Wan Ziyuan's words unhurriedly.

He only slightly lifted his delicate eyes and glanced at him lightly.

The slightly deep eyes made Wan Ziyuan's heart skip a beat.

Well, this kid reacted fast enough to directly use him as a negative example.

Then, without waiting for the Weng and the husband-in-law to say anything, Jiang Yecheng suddenly stepped out of the little guy's bedroom with his slender legs again.

While taking the door lightly with his backhand, he continued to talk to the two of them calmly, "I don't want her to watch you two fight here in the middle of the night, it will affect her rest too much."

"In short, before the two of you have solved the problems of the two sides, Xing'er will either live in my house or in a nursing home, so as not to be accidentally injured by you."

After finishing speaking, the man pushed the door back with his backhand and took the little guy who had just changed clothes, carried a small bag, and tied the dog and duck leash back into his hand.

I saw him tightening his palms slightly, looking back at the girl's eyes, and instantly changed from the coldness facing Weng and his son-in-law to watery tenderness.

"Let's go home."

Jiang Yecheng laughed softly and gently rubbed his soft little head.

He ignored the others and led her straight to the door.

Seeing this scene, the husband and wife of a certain Weng were not OK in an instant.

This, this, this is simply stealing people under the nose!

"Jiang Yecheng, you..."

Mr. Xiang was so angry that he slapped the sofa next to him, and was about to step over to try to snatch Xiang Xing back.

But looking at his baby granddaughter's sleepy and pitiful appearance, as if she really hadn't slept well and was yawning, the old man paused and couldn't help but froze in place again.

Ever since they got home, he and Wan Ziyuan were sitting here in a silent confrontation, and he actually knew that the door of the little granddaughter's room had never been closed.

Behind the thin door, there has always been a pair of cautious soft eyes, looking at them both quietly.

Thinking of this, the old man couldn't help but sighed in his heart.


His little baby didn't know anything, so naturally he would be so worried.

She was not in good health, not even as good as him, and he ignored her rest like this...

"Master, do you have any other orders?"

Seeing that the old man Xiang called him, but did not speak in a daze, Jiang Yecheng couldn't help laughing.

Immediately, he glanced at the antique wall clock on the wall.

The meaning is clear, it is reminding the people in this room that it is getting late.

"...Oh, where do you young people like to go, we old guys can handle the affairs of our old guys by ourselves!"

Seeing this, Mr. Jiang, who had been eating melons and watching the play, also quickly jumped out to make a round.

While winking in the direction of Jiang Yecheng and Xiang Xing, he giggled at Weng's husband-in-law, whose faces were as black as two cauldrons.

"Hey, my old man Jiang has the title of the enthusiastic uncle of the neighborhood committee in our place. If you have any troubles, just tell me directly, and I will analyze and analyze it for you!"

Seeing this, Jiang Yecheng shook his head and didn't stay any longer, just packed the little guy into the car.

"Wow, will they really fight?"

When the engine started, the little guy was lying on the window, still looking at the three figures in the window with a little worry.

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