Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 1112 The patient's brother, shall we bask in the moon together? (124)

It even includes unimaginable requirements such as picking the stars and the moon...

Although in this world of super-speedy development of science and technology, it is not difficult to go to the universe and get a small meteorite back.

But over time, Xiang Xing still felt that Jiang Ye City was too difficult.

The main thing is.

She misses Jiang Yecheng.

The family's three-knots in Taoyuan have not allowed her to see Jiang Yecheng for almost half a month!

Although it was his birthday in two days, Jiang Yecheng would definitely come.

But after thinking about it, the little guy still made up his mind, picked up the dog and the duck, brought his own little baggage of desperation, let the duck stop when it opened, and slipped out of the Xiang family manor without knowing it.


When Xiang Xing showed up in Jiang Yecheng's office with his family and his family, he was stunned.

"How did you get out?"

The man frowned oddly, and couldn't help pulling the little guy over, looking up and down with some worry.

Looking at the good-looking little man, he seemed to have suddenly thought of something, and immediately lowered his eyes slightly, and glanced at a certain duck very quickly.

Looking at it made its back go cold.

"...You don't have to worry about how I got out."

Seemingly aware of the man's attention, Xiang Xing paused, and couldn't help hiding Ya Ya behind him subconsciously.

Then, he suddenly straightened his small body, coughed twice, and cleared his throat.

With a serious look on his face, "Brother Acheng, I'm here, just to inform you that I've already bought a plane ticket to the other side of the ocean... Let's run away!"


Hearing this, Jiang Yecheng's eyes opened slightly, and two question marks slowly appeared from the bottom of his eyes.

However, he recovered quickly, the corners of his eyes drooped, and he suddenly laughed, "Girl, do you think I can't meet those five hundred conditions?"

"Well, no."

The little guy shook his head.

Immediately, he sighed weakly, his mouth was slightly deflated, and he muttered vaguely, "I have a hunch that even if you achieve these five hundred, they will give you another five hundred."

Isn't this bullying?

And, and...

Thinking about it, the girl seemed to be heartbroken, her face slightly bulging.

The little hands were clenched tightly, and the fingers were clenched hard.

The voice was lower and more vague, "You don't know, my body, I have not been able to live for a few days..."

Xiang Xing didn't finish her words, but a slightly cool slender finger quickly pressed against the pair of pink lips, stopping her words.

"You said something unlucky."

The man took a deep breath, his eyes darkening.

After a while, he finally pulled her to him and hugged her tightly.

The little guy was stunned for a moment: "How can you hear this clearly..."


The man didn't answer her.

He tightened his arms and fell into a long silence.

After a long while, Xiang Xing suddenly heard a creaking sound like a clenched fist coming from behind her.

She frowned suspiciously, raised her head, and glanced at Jiang Yecheng.

However, he suddenly realized that at this moment, his face was dark and his eyes narrowed, as if he was thinking of something that would make him smash corpses into thousands of pieces.

The little guy was suddenly frightened and shrank back subconsciously.

Fortunately, the man also noticed her gaze and quickly recovered his expression.

Without saying a word, he lowered his head and kissed her gently.

"That's it this time... I will never let this happen again in the future."

Tomorrow is a new dimension

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