Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

1118. Chapter 1118 The cute little general of the

Amidst the exclamations of everyone in the restaurant lobby, a mighty big eagle, covered in handsome silver-gray feathers, swooped towards Xiang Xing.

And the moment the big eagle approached her, it put away its sharpness and landed on her shoulder steadily.

The bird's head rubbed affectionately against her cheek.

Seeing the people around him take a deep breath.

"It turned out to be the eagle raised by this young master..."

"Wow, this little boy looks gentle, but he can actually tame eagles?!"

"Hey, people who can come to Fengxianglou are not ordinary!"


"Da Xing, why did you call Da Hui in!...Didn't I tell you that we have to keep a low profile!"

Seeing this scene, and seeing several eyes that were focused at that moment, the handsome young master raised his big sleeves as if hesitantly, covering half of his face.

The other hand frantically tugged at her long sleeves, urging in a low voice, "Hurry up, hurry up, it will be bad if you are recognized!  …"


Xiang Xing raised his eyebrows silently.

Although she didn't know why, she turned around quickly and walked away with the young master.

While trotting, he continued to urge the big gray eagle on his shoulders, [Duck, plot! ]

[Isn't this being passed on to you, what's the hurry! ]

Ya Ya reluctantly rolled Mung Bean's eyes, and was about to transmit the plot to this little life-threatening ghost.

But the next second, it suddenly felt a sudden brake under the eagle's claws and stopped.

Suddenly, it almost lost its center of gravity and fell to the ground.

I was so angry that ducks and ducks quack and quack, [Can you give me a reminder first! Are you going to murder Benga! ! ]

However, Xiang Xing at this time did not respond to it as if he had never heard of it.

Instead, her eyes were round and she stared in shock at the waterside stage in the center of the Fengxiang Tower.

At that time, the stage was full of shadows, and several beauties in gorgeous dance costumes were singing and dancing to the crescent moon.

Ice muscles are flawless, waist and hands are slender, every flick, every eye movement, is extraordinarily exciting.

With the appearance of an immortal figure, all the benefactors in the room stared at each other.

Seeing this, Duck Duck's expression instantly became weird.

Wait, the little ancestor didn't turn around and was interested in a group of women showing their teeth and claws, right? !

——But speaking of it, she looks like her attention is not on these dancers.

Instead, it was on the back of the stage, on the figure of playing the qin and playing music, covered by a veil.

I have to say that the sound of the piano played by that person is like the sound of a mountain stream and a bell, and it is melodious and ethereal.

is a master.

that is……

I don't know why, Ya Ya felt inexplicably that this tune seemed to be heard somewhere.

Thinking about it, it couldn't help but glance at its little ancestor again.

But seeing her eyes trembling slightly at this moment, she bit her lip tightly.

Apparently heard something.

That's right, the melody of this song is not unfamiliar to her at all!

It's nothing else, it was in a certain world that she belonged not only to the parents of the ambassador at that time, but also to the love song between her and the ambassador - "Pure White Amusement Park"!

"Then, how could that person play this song..."

The little guy blurted out almost subconsciously.


The handsome young man on the side listened, and although he paused, he quickly gave her a "popular science" with a smile, "Have you never heard of it? This is a song composed by Feng Lan herself, named "Bai". This song, he will play on stage every fifteenth!"

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