Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

1137. Chapter 1137 The cute little general of the

This shout almost didn't take Situ Ling directly to the underworld.

"Who wants to insult you!!"

With a sad face, he stepped on the ground and quickly returned to his original position, looking at the guy who was "crazy" on the spot with a look of horror.

But what was even more tragic was that after his shouting, many of the busy maids and servants in the Fengxiang Building all cast their eyes in confusion.

In some guest rooms, there were also impatient shouts from the patrons.

Seeing this scene, Situ Ling felt agitated all over, and without thinking, he turned around immediately, with a sad face, and ran away...

Seeing that the obstructing figure finally disappeared at the corner of the bamboo ladder, Feng Lan stopped shouting, and hugged her chest a little proudly, her red lips slightly hooked.

Just as he was about to turn around and go back to his room, he suddenly paused, as if he had noticed a slightly complicated gaze that was staring at him faintly.

To be precise, it was after Situ Ling was scared away that he turned to him.

Thinking about it, Feng Lan couldn't help raising her brows.

With a slight movement in his hand, a black hidden weapon with a unique shape has slipped into the palm of his hand.

But when he was about to throw it out, he felt a familiar movement that pierced the air on the other side.

The next moment, that gaze suddenly disappeared, and he quickly fled away.

Feng Lan took a deep breath, and then looked sideways.

In front of my sister's boudoir, a familiar shadow flashed quickly, chasing towards the owner of that gaze.

He couldn't help but raise his eyes slightly unexpectedly, and he suddenly understood a little in his heart.

He ignored it, walked into the room calmly, and closed the door.

Looking at the little guy who heard the movement and had a curious little head sticking out from the layers of veils, Feng Lan continued to wear his messy clothes and ran towards her directly.

"Little General, Little General~"

He smiled coquettishly, and hugged the girl who hadn't reacted yet into his arms again.

Immediately blinking his beautiful peach blossom eyes, the feathered eyelashes moved up and down with the eyelid, as if asking for credit, and said to Xiang Xing proudly, "Look, isn't the slave family so clever? You didn't see the emperor scared away. Appearance...hehe..."

"Clever is quite clever, yes."

Xiang Xing looked at him helplessly, his head tilted.

The small mouth curled slightly, "But Feng Lan, you are deceiving you."

Thanks to Situ Ling, he thought he was a lunatic, otherwise he would have lost his head.

"Oh, little general, if you don't say it, who will know that I'm deceiving you, do you mean it~"

Feng Lan smiled seriously.

At the end, the wind of words changed a little, and there was a faint willfulness in the smile, "Besides, I don't have a small general. You have been bullying you for a long time, and you have been bullying seriously..."


Xiang Xing choked for a moment when he said that.


She flattened her mouth angrily, jumped out of the man's arms, and returned to the small tea table to sit down.

Start to wipe out the small snacks on the table.

However, while eating, the little guy seemed to think of something, and suddenly stopped the sinful little hand of Claw Dimsum.

The corners of his eyes drooped helplessly.

No, just let the little emperor run around outside like this... Wouldn't he be caught by the assassins squatting behind his back, like that, and then show her a head on his neck?

Thinking about it, Xiang Xing couldn't help sighing softly, and immediately looked at Feng Lan, softly blinking.

The man instantly guessed what she meant.

But he pretended to be unhappy: "No, no, if the little general leaves tonight, I will be jealous and die."

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