Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

1150. Chapter 1150 The cute little general of the

"Sister Xing'er, can you call me seriously?"

After thinking about it for a while, the man couldn't help but put his head on Xiang Xing's slender shoulder, coaxing softly like a spoiled child.

In the face of this sudden Sapo'er, how could the little guy resist.

He swallowed his throat, bit his pink lips a little awkwardly, and then whispered, "Brother Fenglan!"


This call made Feng Lan even more excited, and even her arms tightened.

My heart throbbed inexplicably.

For some reason, he suddenly wanted to have an acupuncture expert come over and give him and the little girl a shot.

Even, it is good to be fixed here forever.


The two of them chatted like this for a while.

It wasn't until the exclamations from downstairs became louder that they both regained their senses and backed away from each other.

"Cough...hehe, it looks like 'he' should be ready~"

Feng Lan coughed a little unnaturally, then resumed his giggling look, and continued to lead Xiang Xing, who hadn't reacted yet, downstairs to the middle hall of Fengxiang Building.

Seeing the two of them coming, the guards and the little girls all tacitly gave way to let them in and came to the front under the stage.

Xiang Xing looked up at the stage, and saw that Feng Han was already standing in the center of the stage. At that time, while hiding an unbearable smile on his lips, he moved towards the back of the large screen used for performance on the stage. Get started.

"What shame, come out! There are no outsiders here."

She laughed and shouted, then turned her head again and looked at the subordinates below the stage.

Squinting lightly, "Come on, I swear to the Holy One, I will never say anything about what I see today!"

The voice fell, and the little guy saw all the people around him cupping their hands and kneeling on the ground in an instant.

"This subordinate swears not to say anything, or five thunders will hit the top!"


On the stage, the graceful figure hiding behind the screen, clutching the wooden frame of the screen, paused and slowly moved out of the screen.

It wasn't until he appeared on the stage that he didn't wait for everyone to react. Xiang Xing snorted, and his soft eyes were bigger than a bell.

As she expected, the person behind the screen was indeed Situ Ling.


At this time, Situ Ling was wearing a light yellow long skirt!

Looking around, the posture is particularly beautiful, not to mention the delicate makeup on the face, plus the carefully combed hair bun, a string of exquisite and unique tassels set off...

It's like a beautiful little beauty!

However, unlike Feng Lan, Situ Ling's facial features are still a little firmer. Although he is dressed as a woman, he can still see a bit of a man's fierceness in it.

So it seems kind of funny...

Thinking of this, the little guy couldn't help but smile even more, he simply hugged Feng Lan's arm, lowered his head, and continued to laugh.

In the end, it directly developed into a laugh, and I couldn't straighten my waist with laughter.

The surrounding subordinates were even infected by her, and they laughed again and again.

"...Big star! You are the one who laughs the most..."

Hearing the familiar voice, Situ Ling was shy and angry, and couldn't help but stared at him angrily, and followed the most wanton laughter and looked over.

At this glance, even he couldn't help but widen his eyes, and the bottom of his eyes was stunned.

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