Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

1158. Chapter 1158 The cute little general of the

Feng Lan pinched Xiang Xing's bulging little face with sadness, and immediately helped her up carefully.

On the other hand, she rolled her eyes at Bei Xiuli angrily, "Girl, please help me take care of my sister here, I'll be back when I go."

After speaking, without waiting for Bei Xiuli to react, she ran away like a gust of wind.


When Bei Xiuli came back to her senses, she could only stomp on the back that disappeared in an instant.

It does not make sense!

At this time, she didn't even notice that the moment Feng Lan let go of Xiang Xing, the little guy had already stuffed a delicate and exotic blood-patterned jade pendant into his hand.


After half an hour.

In the hotel where Bei Xiuli and his party stayed.

Taking the elite guards to stay at the position, and in the room of Jiang Yuhe, who was commanded by the guards of the Beihu Forbidden Army, a black arrow flew into the room and pinned it directly on the table in front of him.

"……who is it!"

Jiang Yuhe stood up in shock, and hurried to the window to look at it.

But he didn't even feel the breath of someone passing by.

Filled with doubts and vague unease, the man paused for a moment, then finally regained his senses and checked the black arrow.

Fortunately, this is just a flying arrow.

But the blood-patterned jade pendant tied with the letter and paper on the top, saw Jiang Yuhe's heart stop suddenly, and his eyes widened several times.

This is the princess' baby!

Thinking of this, he suddenly panicked in his heart, and hurriedly tore off the small note and read it carefully.


After reading it, a few blue veins burst out on the man's clean forehead.

"What a Fengxianglou... how dare you kidnap my Second Princess Beihu in broad daylight!"

Jiang Yuhe growled angrily, the arrows in his hand were crushed by him with a single effort.

What kind of place is Fengxianglou... How could his noble princess be so wronged!

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuhe couldn't hold back, turned around, kicked the door of the guest room, and rushed out...


At the other end of the time.

In front of the gate of Fengxianglou, a spy under Bei Xiu's command was looking at his princess anxiously, and was abducted by the two brothel women into the No. 1 Fengyue Field in the world...

He scratched his head eagerly.

"Why hasn't Dongba brought the concubine! It's almost too late..."

With a sad face, he kept muttering in a low voice.

However, at this moment, he suddenly felt that a group of familiar figures suddenly appeared in the corner of his eyes, rushing towards the entrance of the Fengxianglou...

Seeing this, the spy's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly looked around.

——It was actually his dear Commander Jiang!

Great, it must be the concubine who notified Commander Jiang, and Commander Jiang brought someone to rescue Princess Xiu!

Thinking of this, the scout was overjoyed and was about to join Jiang Yuhe and his party.

But in the next second, the spies saw several black shadows suddenly appeared in front of his elite Beihu guards.

Qi Shuisha stood in a row at the entrance of Fengxiang Building and stopped Jiang Yuhe and others.

"Sorry, all the guests, the Fengxiang Building will not be open until 2 a.m., please come back at another time."

The leading guard in mysterious clothes stepped forward and bowed his hands politely to Jiang Yuhe.

However, Jiang Yuhe was righteous, and he was stopped by this group of people who didn't look like the second of the Guigong Store, but more like the assassin killer. On the contrary, he was more certain that his princess was kidnapped here.

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