Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 1169 The cute little general of the


Hearing the exaggerated cough, Xiang Xing couldn't help rolling his eyes again.

However, no matter how angry he was in his heart, he heard the coughing sound that became more and more worrying and had no intention of stopping.

In the end, he couldn't bear it anymore, turned his head back a little, and glanced at the man.

But this look made her so frightened that her whole body jumped up, and her soft eyes were very round.

I saw Feng Lan, who was coughing so badly, coughed up blood in one hand inexplicably, and it was extremely shocking...

The little guy almost fainted Gu Qi.

The little face that was still a little pissed off instantly collapsed, and he ran towards the man with a gust of wind under his feet, and supported him.

He whispered in his mouth, "Brother Fenglan, how are you..."

Didn't they say they were all done, they were just sleeping!

And with his skill, even if Bei Xiuli came over to make up a palm at this time, he wouldn't be able to spit out so much blood...

Thinking about it, Xiang Xing gradually panicked. He couldn't help grabbing Feng Lan's wrist subconsciously and using his inner breath to try to relieve him.

But, right now.

The man who seemed to vomit blood to the point of death suddenly paused, then quickly straightened up.

As soon as he turned around, he slammed her on the pillar.

Then, before the little guy could react, she felt an extremely strong bloody aura that instantly filled every corner of her breath.

He is kissing her.

And this entanglement that can't be refused, after a while, it slowly loosened.

Xiang Xing, who had been forced to swallow several mouthfuls of blood, suddenly heard the hoarse voice, which was even more hoarse due to coughing up blood, with an unbridled smile, and came leisurely beside his ears.

"It's a huge price to deceive you..."


Xiang Xing instantly felt that there was something in his little brain, and it exploded directly.

"You, you actually lied to me!"

She was so angry that her little face swelled up again, and she couldn't hold back, she directly raised her small fist and slammed it heavily on Feng Lan's shoulder.

How can anyone use vomiting blood to gain sympathy!


"...Okay, don't fight, I'm wrong, okay? I'm wrong, cough..."

Feng Lan was beaten by her, but she kept laughing, laughing and laughing and coughing a few times, and a smear of blood dripped down from the corners of the lips that were arbitrarily raised.

But it was quickly wiped off by his finger, and then the bloody fingertip was shown, dangling in front of the little guy.

Peach Blossom's eyes drooped pitifully, "I've already vomited blood, and then I'm beaten by our famous cavalry general, I'm afraid it won't be long before I have to die for our great Xuanyuan heroic..."


Looking at the face that had indeed turned white, Xiang Xing's raised fist paused, but he could only withdraw it angrily.

After that, he didn't pay any attention to him, he just turned around angrily, smothered his head, and wiped the blood from that mouth with the back of his small hand.

He cursed violently in his heart.

He forced himself to vomit blood, is he mentally ill?

(Duck duck: Isn't he just a lunatic...)

While complaining endlessly, the little guy suddenly felt that Feng Lan's arms were gently circled.

Ignoring her silent protest, he wrapped her tightly in his arms, tightening his arms and tightening them again.

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