Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

1171. Chapter 1171 The cute little general of the

"...what am I?"

Feeling that Feng Lan said something that made her unable to touch her head, Xiang Xing couldn't help but raised her face and looked at him with an incomprehensible look.

However, this gap in raising his head created another chance for him.

In the next second, she saw that handsome face with a hidden satisfaction smile, magnified in front of her again, and lowered.


This time, the kiss no longer had the bloody smell it had before.

But it was more ecstatic than that Feng Han's incense.

Gradually, Feng Lan began to make more small movements.

Faintly aware of what he wanted to do, the little guy froze for a moment, subconsciously trying to hide.

But he couldn't escape his somewhat domineering circle.

However, just as she became more and more nervous—

The door outside was knocked loudly as if someone had smashed it.

In addition to a series of shouts, one of them entered the ears of the two: "General! General! Are you in there!!"


This voice, Xiang Xing, sounded very familiar, and it seemed to be a little guard in their imperial eastern tour team.

what happened?

The little guy thought suspiciously, and finally pushed Feng Lan silently, signaling her to let go of him.

However, the man felt a little unhappy because of her tiny avatars, instead of letting go, he hugged tighter.

The girl suddenly felt that she was about to faint.

Until the shouts from outside came again with more urgency.

"General! General is bad!! Master, he fainted! He fainted!!"


This time, the two finally had to let go of each other and looked at each other in astonishment.

This Situ Ling is so good, how come he fainted!

It doesn't seem like it's time for Qingqing and I, the two of them pondered for a while, and finally jumped to the bed in unison, and went out to open the door one after the other.

At that time, the little guard didn't call anyone out, and knocked harder and harder.

When the door in front of him suddenly opened, he couldn't help being shocked, and he almost didn't take his hand back.

But after seeing the two in front of him again, the whole person froze for a moment: "The two are..."

Who are these two? !

——Wait, why does this little girl look like their little general?

Did General Xiao Xiang's sister also come to Dongdu?

No, does General Xiao Xiang have a younger sister...

Also, how could the man beside General Xiao Xiang look so like the Hualing girl who was beaten to death a few days ago? ?

Thinking of this, the little guard couldn't help blinking hard.

But the two people in front of them obviously ignored his question, and only asked in unison: "Where is the Holy One?"

"...Ah, ah!"

Only then did the little guard remember his top priority, and he quickly raised his hand to point to Feng Han's residence on the top floor of Fengxiang Building, "The sage fainted in Miss Fenghan's room!"

It was only when he finished speaking that he saw that the two of them were practicing Qinggong at the same time.

He hurriedly pushed the door and entered, only to see Feng Han pacing back and forth in the outhouse with a worried look on his face, while the imperial physicians accompanying the Eastern Tour were entering and exiting nervously, all of them looking pale.

Seeing this, Feng Lan squinted her eyes lightly, stepped forward quickly, and stopped her sister who was like a headless fly: "What happened?"

"...Xiaolan, you are awake!"

Seeing Feng Lan standing right in front of him, Feng Han brightened his eyes with joy.

However, he quickly regained his bitterness, shook his head and said depressedly, "I don't know the specifics... that is, just now, when he was chatting with me about poetry and poetry, he fell on the tea table, unconscious. Human affairs!"

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