Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

1175. Chapter 1175 The cute little general of the

"...You brought the things back, why didn't you tell me!"

Seeing her sister's naive face, Feng Lan rolled her eyes, couldn't help pressing her temple lightly, and shook her head helplessly.

Immediately, he stepped forward, took the little golden hairpin from Xiang Xing's hand, and pinched it between his fingers.

The little guy raised his soft eyes and saw that the man pursed his lips slightly, looked coldly, and closed his eyes to explore.

After a while, he opened his peach blossom eyes again, and the bottom of his eyes was stained with faint annoyance.

"Sure enough."

Feng Lan tutted softly, turned around quickly, and returned to Situ Ling's bed with the little golden hairpin.

Seeing this, Xiang Xing couldn't help but follow him, shrinking behind the man, his soft eyes widened, looking back and forth curiously.

I saw Feng Lan squatting down, first reaching out and rolling up Situ Ling's sleeves a little, revealing the small bamboo pole-like arms.

After that, he pinched it a few times, as if he had found a certain acupuncture point, and quickly poked it with a small golden hairpin.

The little guy only heard the sound of "bang", seeing that Situ Ling suddenly seemed to be stimulated by something, the whole person hit a carp and sat up straight...

However, his eyes were still tightly closed, and he didn't seem to wake up from a coma.

Seeing this scene, Feng Lan first stared for a while, but suddenly stared at Xiang Xing.

His hands slid onto her delicate shoulders, bowed his head slightly, and said softly, "Sister Xing'er, I need your help."

"it is good!"

The little guy immediately stood up straight and focused his head very seriously.

I just need to salute and say that I promise to complete the task.

Seeing this, the man suddenly smiled, and he couldn't help raising his hand and rubbing his fluffy little head.

"Come, sit behind the saint,"

He pulled Xiang Xing and pointed to the empty space behind Situ Ling sitting up.

His expression became more serious, and his voice was calm, "Look at me for a while, we must activate our inner strength at the same time, so as to re-open Sheng Shang's whole body meridians and wake him up, understand?"

"...Well, get through the meridians?"

The little guy frowned a little, his head tilted, "Brother Fenglan, what exactly is the sage's plan?"

It's neither a disease nor a poison, so it can't be a metaphysics like dropping the head.

"Simply put, the sage was injured by a very mysterious foreign power."

Sitting opposite Situ Ling, Feng Lan patiently explained science, "This kind of internal power is very sinister, as long as it invades a person's body, it will slowly spread to the meridians of the victim's body, and destroy it from the inside bit by bit. , and eventually spread to the whole body."

"So, it's not sudden that the saint will faint, but it has gradually accumulated over the past few days."

"Is it because of that inner strength that is attached to this little golden hairpin?"

Xiang Xing blinked his soft eyes a little clearly.

But he frowned slightly, "That's not right, if the little golden hairpin is the source of infection for that internal strength, then we have been staying with Sister Fenghan for the past few days, why is it that only the Holy One is passed on?"

Can this internal strength also automatically lock the designated target?

How could there be such high technology in ancient times?

Unexpectedly, Feng Lan burst into laughter.

"This kind of sinister inner strength will not work on women, those who have not practiced martial arts, and those who practice Yin inner breath."

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