Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 1178 The cute little general of the

"...Miss Fenghan, what are you doing! Get up quickly!"

Seeing his beloved beauty suddenly knelt down and pleaded guilty, Situ Ling, who hadn't reacted yet, was startled and quickly struggled down to help her.

"How can you blame you for such a thing!"

Situ Ling said, and suddenly lowered his shoulders in remorse, and the words were a little weak, "If I say, it can only be said that the solitary martial arts is not good, not strong enough, and can't even detect such a sinister trick... and let you worry about it. Come and clean up the mess for Gu."

"It's no wonder that the six senior ministers felt that I was incompetent and targeted me everywhere!"

Speaking of excitement, the little emperor couldn't hold back, and thumped the bed board hard.

Seeing his uncomfortable appearance, Feng Han frowned, feeling a little distressed.

In fact, to say it, he is not a big deal.

It's just that the person is not smart enough, and in terms of talent, he is indeed the worst of the Situ family's previous emperors.

But you can't completely deny him.

At least, compared to the six cunning old people who would do anything for their own selfish interests, the little emperor was better in benevolence, and he had the world in mind and the people at heart.

After thinking about it, Feng Han blinked her beautiful eyes, finally got up, returned to Situ Ling and sat down.

Turning his head to look at the tangled child, biting his lip, he couldn't help but muster his courage and said:

"Your Highness, the younger brother once said that those who are the Son of Heaven only need to maintain their benevolent heart and make the right decisions that are truly beneficial to Xuanyuan Jiangshan. The rest of the deficiencies can still be made up by their subordinate ministers. ."

"Compared to a tyrant who is heroic and talented, but insidious and cunning, and who is ashamed of the people of the country, in fact... what we need more is a benevolent monarch with a heart and a heart."


After listening to Feng Han's advice, Situ Ling finally stepped out of the low pressure.

With a slightly bulging face, like a shivering fluffy puppy, with reddish eyes drooping down, he looked at her pitifully.

Seeing Feng Han's heart suddenly felt as if he had been slammed.


Why does she think that the saint at this time is so cute, so... so she wants to stretch out her hands and rub hard against that head!

Thinking about it, the woman only felt that her cheeks gradually warmed.

Some things seem to be reviving.

Thinking of this, Feng Han was stunned, and couldn't help but suddenly regain his senses. He quickly turned his face away, and nodded quickly, slightly bewildered: "Seriously! Seriously!"

Seeing her so sure, Situ Ling's bleak eyes finally recovered.

"That's great!"

He burst into laughter, but suddenly he gained some confidence from nowhere, and he raised his chest very boldly, "With what you said, Miss Fenghan, no matter how lonely you are, you will have to work harder from now on to be a successful person. The heart of the minister, the benevolent prince who wins the heart!"


Situ Ling suddenly turned around very excitedly, and subconsciously put his hands on Feng Han's shoulders.

The bright eyes stared at her very solemnly, word by word, decisively, "Feng Han, Gu asks you to help Gu together with Feng Lan and Quan Feng Xiang Lou, Gu has decided, and will start immediately... Formally report to the sixth assistant. Counterattack!"



The imperial capital on the other side of Xuanyuan's borders.

On a gorgeous waterside pavilion on the outskirts of the city, the six senior and prudent ministers were gathered around the bamboo table of 18 immortals, drinking tea relative to each other.

At that time, I saw a slender black figure suddenly jumped up from Your Excellency Lou's side, and then landed smoothly on the side of Captain Ouyang, the head of the six chief ministers.

He cupped his hands and reported in a low voice: "Taiwei, the young master sent an urgent report from Dongdu... It was said that the plan failed, and all the people brought by Princess Xiu were designed to be in the prison of the Dongdu government!"

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