Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

1182. Chapter 1182 The cute little general of the

But he saw Li Chengzheng pinching the neck of one of his subordinates, staring coldly at the shivering man.

Then, there was only a "click" sound...

"Li Cheng, you are crazy!!"

Wu Shao only felt that a raging fire suddenly burst into his mind, and the eyes that looked at Li Cheng were already filled with boundless anger and hatred.

He turned out to be attacking his subordinates!

These are the elite secret guards of their Taiwei's Mansion, and they are the disciples they have taught by hand! !

It's just for a woman, to be so cruel...kill innocent people!

Thinking of this, Wu Shao clenched his hands angrily.

But it seemed that he suddenly realized something, and the whole person was stunned for a moment.

Not right, very wrong.

In the past, no matter how discordant he was with Li Cheng, Li Cheng would look good no matter how he slapped his face, and he would not let go of these innocent dark guard disciples.

What's going on now, Li Cheng's appearance seems to be insane... It's too abnormal to look at!

Not only him, but even himself, the moment he saw his subordinates were brutally murdered and fell down sadly, he felt a strange feeling in his heart...

The whole body seems to be suddenly filled with strength that does not belong to him, or has exceeded the range of his own internal strength, and he is trying to find someone to use this strength...

Such a strange idea just surfaced in his mind, and Wu Shao's eyes were quickly dyed with an out-of-focus wooden darkness.

"Li Cheng...I'm going to kill you...kill you...!"

He muttered to himself, and suddenly raised his hands uncontrollably, and sent a palm force directly towards Li Cheng's back...


Tonight's Dongdu Market Street is very lively.

On the roof of Rui Hetang's room, San Dao was dressed in black, trying to hide his shadow in the night.

"Dalan Daxing, will our move be a little cruel?"

Situ Ling frowned while looking at the battle situation below, and asked Feng Lan in a low voice.

He felt a little bit that the cannon fodder little dark guard who was pinched to death by Li Cheng just now died quite miserably.

But when I think of it, if I don't do this, when this group of people get fat in Dongdu, the situation of myself, Fengxianglou, Dalan Daxing, and even Miss Fenghan will be very difficult.

Thinking about it, the little emperor felt a little more balanced in his heart.

Who let the Tao be different?

"This is also impossible."

Hearing this, Feng Lan indifferently raised the corners of her thin lips.

His eyes sank slightly, but there was no hesitation. "Each one performs his own duties and serves his own master. This is unavoidable."

"Come on, General Xiang should have the same idea as me."

As he spoke, the man suddenly laughed softly, his delicate and taut lower jaw gently touched the top of the little head that was carefully guarded by his arms in his arms, watching the battle quietly.


Xiang Xing just responded vaguely, while his eyes were glued to the two dueling masters below.

Immediately afterwards, the little guy seemed to have noticed something again, his little arm shrugged, and suddenly and quickly came out from under Feng Lan's careful protection.

Situ Ling, who was beside him, only heard a shattering sound passing by his ear.

Then, two of Wu Shao's subordinates in the courtyard who were about to step forward to protect the master, each said "ah", and both fell to the ground...

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