Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 1185 The cute little general of the

Hmph, I've only known each other for a few days, and they both sing along with each other, and even the reprimands are word-for-word! ...

Let him put the face of the emperor to where!

However, the two people who were secretly slandered by him didn't notice his aggrieved face at all.

Seeing that there were more and more Taiwei's Mansion and Beihutong Party coming to support (zhong) to assist (zhao), Feng Lan raised her delicate brows slightly proudly.

Immediately, he pinched the soft face of the little guy in his arms, crawled beside his ear, and said softly to her: "Xing'er, bring Da Hui back and see how many comrades are gathered below."


Xiang Xing nodded his head.

"... Da Hui shouldn't be around, right? How do you recall Da Xing? Wouldn't a whistle alert the people below..."

Situ Ling turned into a curious baby and asked frantically.

But I saw the little guy pursed his lips, and then quickly raised his hand again, as if throwing something into the sky.

But for a moment, he directly heard the sound of Da Hui flapping his wings, coming from far to near quickly.

In the next second, Situ Ling felt his head sink, and the two big bird claws were clasped tightly on his hair crown.


Situ Ling looked depressed.

Now even Da Hui dares to step on his head...

But if you think about it this way, he is a dignified king of a country, but he doesn't care about anything with a bird, so he can only ponder in his heart.

[Duck, you act like you, just croak a few times, as if we are communicating in bird language~]

While reminding Ya Ya, Xiang Xing opened the GPS map by himself, and counted all the blue dots around him representing the Taiwei's Mansion and the Beihu people.


Duck Ying glanced at her helplessly.

It can only cooperate with the little guy to deliberately compare his hands and feet, and croak.


After one person and one eagle "communicated" for a while, Xiang Xing tilted his head up and reported to Feng Lan.

"Brother Fenglan, about 80% of their accomplices rushed over, and the rest were Beihu Yinwei who had already sensed the movement, but was inexplicably unmoved."

"...It seems that Beihu and the Taiwei are not very close."

Feng Lan's eyes flashed slightly, and she shook her head with a smile.

The interaction between the two made Situ Ling look astonished.

"Da Xing, Gu didn't even know that you communicated with Da Hui like this!!"

He also thought that Da Hui only sent letters on weekdays, or just existed as Da Xing's playmate...

But the question is, why does Feng Lan look like she has known it for a long time! !

Daxing, you forget your friends!

"Well...the group of Beihu doesn't matter anymore, there is a puppy here, and the one from the steamed bun shop, so I checked it out."

Feng Lan pondered for a while, then smiled lowly, and took out a small bamboo tube from her sleeve.

Immediately handed it over to Situ Ling, "Your Highness, please send a signal to close the net."


Situ Ling took the small bamboo tube nervously.

I saw him taking a deep breath, as if he was going to put a seal on some national event, facing the air, carefully tore off the string at the end of the small bamboo tube.

With a "bang", a group of small sparks dragging their tails of colorful lights shot straight into the sky from the bamboo tube, and exploded into a gorgeous and bizarre fire tree and silver flower.

With such a movement, the bun shop below was finally disturbed, and he couldn't help but look up suddenly.

"...It turned out to be Fengxiang Ling!"

He gasped in astonishment, and his heart sank suddenly.

Many things suddenly became clear.

It is indeed a trap!

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