Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 1187 The cute little general of the

Soon, the dull and dull eyes of everyone suddenly regained their clear and bright look.

"...what are we doing??"

Zhongxiang's lightest puppy woke up first, looked at his fists in astonishment, and then looked at the crack on the wall that almost matched the shape of his fists not far ahead.

Immediately stunned.


Did he just... did he mess around with his boxing skills here?


Why at this time, he felt that his body was weak and weak, and it didn't seem like the feeling after using the internal breath to relax the meridians?

Thinking about it, the puppy swayed, and suddenly felt his legs soften, and he fell directly to the ground uncontrollably.

Feeling the more and more obvious changes in his body, he couldn't help being surprised.

His inner strength...why, as if it was sealed by something!


Soon, Lian Jun also came back to his senses, and finally pulled Wu Shao and Li Cheng who were still scrambling together.

"Calm down, both of you! ... We've got a plan!"

She shouted in a hurry, and finally called Wu and Li back to God.

But soon, the three of them, like puppies, discovered something was wrong in their bodies.

"What's the matter... No, why am I here at Ruihetang?"

Li Cheng frowned, looked at his wife, and then looked at Wu Shao, who had a bruised nose and a swollen face and a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth.

- Who did this? ?

Unexpectedly, before they had time to say a few words to each other, the gate of Ruihetang Intermediate Court was kicked open by Wang Zhaotou and his party.

"In the middle of the night, why are you all gathering here!"


About a quarter of an hour later.

Xiang Xing and Feng Lan sent Situ Ling back to Fengxiang Building, and they continued to turn back to keep up with the team that escorted the Taiwei Mansion and his party.

Seeing Wang Zoutou and the others, they successfully escorted this group of troubled faces back to the prison of the Dongdu Palace, and they were successfully reunited with Bei Xiuli and the others, and the two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

"Speaking of which, brother Fenglan, this prison in the Eastern Capital Government is too capable of pretending to be a person."

Xiang Xing was sitting on the spire of a certain pavilion in the government office, shaking his little feet while whispering.

During this time, she and Fengxianglou had sent as many people as they could to the prison of the East Metropolitan Government.

Although from the GPS map, the dungeon of the mansion is almost 1:1 with the surface buildings of the mansion, but the mansion doesn't seem to have a lot of floor space.

Is there any secret room hidden?

Thinking of this, the little guy suddenly became interested, ready to summon the duck eagle, and expanded the GPS map to take a look.

But the next second, Feng Lan's warm arms embraced him affectionately.

"What about these people, in fact, they are only imprisoned in the dungeon on the surface."

The man raised his chin slightly, clenched his jaw slightly, and pushed towards the entrance of the dungeon, his thin lips slightly hooked, "Actually, many people have been secretly transferred to another detention place under my command of Fengxianglou... and Ouyang The beautiful princess that Lian visited recently was also replaced by my own family.”

"And yeah~"

He said, suddenly raised his other hand, covered his mouth arbitrarily and sneered.

Peach Blossom's eyes flashed an evil and narrow light, "The little dark guard who is currently pretending to be Bei Xiuli reports that she has also collected a lot of evidence that Ouyang Lian and Bei Xiuli had an affair."

"...How did you collect it?"

Xiang Xing was stunned for a moment.

The little head tilted slightly, and suddenly thought of some not-so-good pictures.

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