Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 1290 Only I can see you... Gah! (56)

Realizing this, Li Miaomiao's tangled brain finally broke apart.

Was she... being controlled by something? !

It's a pity that Li Miaomiao hasn't realized the reason why her husband Xu Yaoyang's life-threatening serial calls have been killed continuously.

The woman hung up in panic several times before she calmed down, clenched her teeth, and connected silently.

The opposite party didn't scold directly, but after connecting, there was silence for a while.

Then, she only heard Xu Yaoyang's hoarse voice, which was pressing her heartbreak and anger, and hysterically came from the receiver: "Miaomiao, give me an explanation."

"Yao, Yaoyang..."

Hearing this, Li Miaomiao couldn't help feeling a little surprised and a little relieved.

It sounded like Yaoyang didn't blame her too much, and planned to listen to her explanation!

Thinking of this, the woman was excited, and hurriedly shook her head frantically at the phone, "Yaoyang, listen to me! It's really not what it was on Weibo! Those were all written by the paparazzi, they're all..."

Before she could finish her words, she suddenly heard the urgent cry of Xu Yaoyang's assistant on the other end of the phone.

"Boss! Zhang Yuehanfang has posted on Weibo again! It seems to be a long recording!"

After speaking, Li Miaomiao opened her eyes dully.

Then, there was only a cold busy tone on the other end of the phone responding to her.

Thinking of the assistant's words, the woman only felt an even more ominous premonition in her heart. She quickly reopened Weibo and went to the official blog of Zhang Yuehan's studio to take a look.

Zhang Yuehan did indeed send out a long recording, claiming to be a continuation of the evidence.

But when she opened it, her heart suddenly turned cold.

"Tonight I am on a private date with you. Apart from you and me, no one else will know about it...including our family Yaoyang..."

"Hey~ To be honest, in fact, I have encountered many problems with Yaoyang recently, and I still haven't come up with a good solution. Let's continue like this..."

"Ouch~ what else can I mean... I really need a 'professional' like Yu Han right now..."

Hearing those words were indeed his own words, Li Miaomiao trembled all over and couldn't help shaking.

These words... can actually be cut into such a meaning!

In addition, she did have a little bit of thought at the time, and deliberately said it in that squeamish and charming voice...

So much so that this recording sounded like she was unilaterally seducing Zhang Yuehan!

But he was good, and he added a lot of righteous refusals in it, which made the whole recording directly become a big play of a wretched rich woman molesting Xiao Xianrou...

"...Oh my God, what's this all about! President Li!"

The secretary of the little braided girl on the side listened to the recording, and couldn't help but be filled with righteous indignation, "Where did you say this at the time! They actually reversed black and white!"

"But, but..."

She said, and suddenly lowered her face in tears, her eyes full of depression and helplessness, "Boss, how do we prove that this is an edited recording? We seem to have no evidence, eh..."

That day, the boss drove all the paparazzi away in order not to be photographed.

They didn't pay attention to themselves, which resulted in such an absurd situation...

Just when she was depressed, the secretary of the little braided girl suddenly saw her boss's face suddenly turned back, and suddenly stood up without saying a word.

"I can handle this matter."

Li Miaomiao glanced at the secretary blankly, her red lips pursed slightly, and then she continued to order, "You go to inform the public relations department, and let them use all the countermeasures on David's listing release, you must not be affected by this incident. Affect!"

After she finished speaking, she walked out of the office with great strides without waiting for the little secretary to respond.

Immediately, she drove to a small villa she bought privately, and locked all the doors and windows of the villa.

After that, she walked calmly towards her large, empty living room without any furniture, and without hesitation, she called out the system command.

When things developed to this point, she had no choice.

You can only open the black hole of time and space, quickly return to that point in time, and twist everything back to her orbit!


At the same time, Lujia seaside villa.

The three giants of Xingyayou are happily getting together and eating the big watermelon on Weibo.

Suddenly, a beep of an emergency alarm resounded directly through Xiang Xing and Lu Chengjunya's sea of ​​consciousness.

[...Axing! There is a situation! ]

Lu Chengjun duck glanced at the coordinate point pointed by the alarm, his eyes suddenly brightened, "Your duck feathers sent me an emergency signal, it must be Li Miaomiao's side that couldn't help but open the black hole of time and space!" ]

[……what! ]

The little guy jumped out of his roar, and his face was instantly filled with tension, [Then what should I do now? ]

[Hey, young master, of course I have been prepared! ]

Duck Duck smiled smugly in his mind.

Suddenly escaped from the sea of ​​consciousness again, and while Xin Youyou, who was enjoying eating melons, was not paying attention, she quietly snapped her fingers.

Everything around, including the dust that was blown by the wind, suddenly seemed to freeze and stop moving.

"Let's go, don't waste time!"

After stopping everyone, Lu Chengjunya directly fished Xiang Xing out of Tong Moyan's arms and put it on top of his head.

After that, he suddenly raised his hand and drew a circle in the air.

Then, a huge space-time black hole more than two meters high appeared in front of the little guy out of thin air.

Seeing her stunned: "...You, you will also open a black hole of time and space!"

And this hole looks several times bigger than the one she saw in Li Miaomiao's house in Zhang Yu's projector!


"...you're enough!"

Hearing this, Lu Chengjun couldn't help but soften his feet, and quickly replied angrily, "Who said this is a time-space black hole... You can't even recognize our time-space portal!"


Xiang Xing blinked his soft eyes hard, and then he was able to calm down.

The one in front of me seems to be the upgraded and enhanced version of the new teleportation array that was blown away by a gust of demonic wind the first time I used it...

"We are a serious system, and everything must be done in an upright manner, and catching outsiders is no exception."

At this time, Duck Duck didn't hear the little guy's inner complaints, he just smiled complacently, then stepped forward without hesitation, and stepped into the portal together.

But at the same time, Xiang Xing, who was on top of his head, noticed once again that a very familiar sight suddenly landed on her duck's back.

But it was the same as last time. Before she had time to look back and confirm, the portal quickly shrunk, completely isolating her from the outside world.

In the living room of the Lu family at that time.

In a dead silence, Tong Moyan, who was still sitting on the sofa with his arms still in a hugging posture, suddenly blinked his obsidian eyes.

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