Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 289 The school girl is a little fluttering (9) (purlin peach on the rudder, reward 30w plus


Seeing the aroma of oil overflowing from the plate, as if the fragrant roasted chicken wings had just been baked, the little guy's saliva was almost like a waterfall.

This, what a magical operation!

Add a recipe to a talisman and you can turn it into a dish or something...

Thinking about it, Xiang Xing suddenly raised his small head and looked at Zhong Lixun again, and there was an extremely fanatical worship directly...

The original Taoist can also such magic.

She is so envious!

The little guy pinched his chin, floated, and circled twice around the fragrant roasted chicken wings.

After confirming several times that it was indeed real food, it stretched out its small claws and grabbed a whole wing.

It took a big bite.

The aroma of fat catalyzed by high temperature, with a slightly burnt aroma, burst out in the mouth instantly.

too! fragrant! La!

Xiang Xing ate so loudly, her soft apricot eyes filled with tears of excitement.

Unlimited emotion in my heart.

I didn't expect to be able to eat such delicious food after being a ghost.

She was already ready to learn to chew candles in the movies.

On the side, Zhong Lixun was even more surprised when he saw Xiang Xing enjoying his meal with relish.

However, as if he was more certain of something, he glanced at the duck and duck flower on top of Xiang Xing's head, who was also sniffing the aroma of chicken wings.

After a while, he gently hooked his lips.

"Then, eat slowly, I'll go back first."

Zhong Lixun said and put on his backpack again.

Looking at the little guy who was eating with bulging cheeks, unable to speak, and could only respond to him with a frantic nod, the young man moved inexplicably.

He raised his arm subconsciously, as if to rub his furry little head.

But suddenly stopped, quickly retracted the knuckles, hanging down.

He couldn't help coughing lightly, and added unnaturally, "In recent days, the surrounding area may not be very peaceful, you have to be careful yourself."

"No! No!"

Xiang Xingxing didn't say anything, he could only nod his head in response.

The young man no longer hesitated to turn around and leave.


Eat and drink enough, the sky is bright.

The students also entered the campus one after another.

At the gate of the school where people come and go, the boys and girls are talking and laughing, and they seem to have forgotten about the incident of the girl falling from the building more than half a month ago.

The few female students who forced the original owner to the rooftop were even more unburdened, and even talked and laughed about how to fix the next goal.

All this was seen by Xiang Xing, who was lying beside the school gate fence.

Looking at the familiar backs, the little guy pursed his pink lips and pressed the position of his heart.

A dull breath still lingers in my heart.

Perhaps, this is the so-called resentment that made the original owner's sister unable to live and stay here.

Fortunately, it didn't affect her much.

After thinking about it, Xiang Xing took a few deep breaths and suppressed the resentment again.

Continue to float around the campus like a loitering.

The bell rang and everyone entered the classroom to study.

The little guy is outside the teaching building, floating up layer by layer, looking here and there.

Seeing a student in a classroom in a daze, she smiled evilly, floated in, and deliberately blew a breath in the ear of the teacher on the podium, reminding her.

Been messing around like that for a while.

Floating all the way to the second and third classes of the high school where the original owner, Miss Sister, was in her lifetime.

Xiang Xing floated in faintly, sat on the seat of the original owner that was still empty, and sat down.

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