Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 296 The school girl is a little fluttering (16) (Su Su on the rudder)


Listening to the little guy's voice, a duck simply pretended to be dead.

On the other end, Zhong Lixun saw that Xiang Xing seemed to be completely relaxed, but he was also slightly relieved.

He tilted his head slightly and thought about it.

He raised his eyebrows suddenly, and raised the corners of his lips softly towards her.

"I still have some time tonight. Would you like me to teach you a few more self-defense techniques? Or simple attack techniques..."


Xiang Xing's eyes brightened again, and he tried to get together again, "Senior, I want to learn!"


The boy's voice is elongated.

After a while, he raised his jaw, his amber eyes narrowed solemnly, "Then you call me Master."

Anyway, she can't be regarded as his junior girl, strictly speaking.

In contrast, he really lacks a little apprentice.

"...Good Master, no problem Master!"

Xiang Xing lived up to his expectations, and without thinking much, he changed his mouth.

Laughing, fluttering around the boy for a while.

After floating for a while, he was held down helplessly.


As a result, the boy patiently taught the girl the formulas and mental methods for one night, and taught the girl for one night.

Xiang Xing, who has learned a lot of novel spells, also decided to follow Zhong Lixun's teaching, and continued to "act as a chivalrous man" on campus during the day to accumulate yin and virtue.


Just like that, several days passed.

Recently, Xiang Xing suddenly discovered that there were some rumors on the campus gradually.

There are people lurking in some corners of the school, secretly protecting the victims of bullying.

Of course, it may not be human.

This kind of rumor with a hint of supernatural color instantly became popular among the curious students.

Xiang Xing floated around the campus casually, and he could hear a lot of discussions.

"I heard that before school yesterday afternoon, the eldest sister in the third and eighth class was bullied by 'TA' when she was bullying others!"

"I heard that too! It was said that the eldest sister's head was directly stuck in the broken window of the old school building, and she screamed and called the school worker to save her!"

"Hey, isn't this eldest sister's favorite method... I didn't expect her to use it one day."

"Hey, hey! You said, assuming 'TA' is really that kind of thing... Who would that be?"

"I can't guess..."

Listening to the discussions of the classmates, a certain "culprit behind the scenes" floated aside and couldn't help but raised his head proudly.


In the past few days, many victims have regained hope because of the group of bad students who were treated badly by her.

Even walking on the campus on weekdays, he is no longer timid, and his chest is slightly raised.

The benefit brought about by such a change is that it spreads all over the campus, allowing the little guy to absorb the ghosts and virtues that he can support anytime, anywhere.

Xiang Xing continued to wander on the campus under the sunset.

Inadvertently, she floated past a women's toilet.

The faint whispering sounds from inside made the little guy stop abruptly and look sideways curiously.

However, he saw several old acquaintances such as Zhang Ya and the third sister Gao, who seemed to be having a tasteful meeting in the toilet.

"...Big sister, are you sure...it's really that Xiang Xing?!"

The first thing that came out was Zhang Ya's questioning voice.

That somewhat uncertain voice seemed to be trembling with extreme fear, "Eldest sister, she is already...!"

Thank you Ningmeng, I want steady happiness, Moran·Jinnian, millet bugs from Jingnianjia, Geyujiu, Shiyan, Lin Yuxi, Niannian, Shiqing for the rewards~

Good night~ Please... a monthly pass! hey-hey!

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