Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 403 The Rich Wife and Little Follower of the Great God's Family (4)

Thinking about it, Xiang Xing put on a set of light overalls, and tied his dark chestnut messy hair into a pair of soft low ponytails.

Afterwards, he carried the vegetable basket, Xiao Hei, and went out.

The community she lives in is a high-end community in Fengling City, the capital of country G.

Because of the relationship between her parents and the Space Alliance, this house was for the sake of the Space Alliance, so she bought it at a very, very favorable price.

In addition, the community is located on the edge of Fengling City, surrounded by mountains and rivers.

Walking in the park attached to the community, breathing the fresh air, Xiang Xing couldn't help squinting his soft eyes comfortably.

It feels like the cells in the whole body are gradually starting to come alive.

The more I walked into the park, the more lively my ears became.

There were even warm greetings from the grandparents who were exercising in the morning.

"Ah, Xiao Hei, are you out to buy groceries again?"

"Little Hei, who is this little girl? Is it a guest of your family?"

"Xiao Hei, if you have time, can you come to my house and teach our Wang Cai's foreign language simultaneous interpretation?"

Looking at the enthusiastic faces that gradually gathered in front of him, Xiang Xing stopped silently.

He stared blankly at the little black ball that was spinning straight at his feet.

——Is their robot housekeeper the mascot of this park...

"...Grandpa and grandma, this is our young lady."

Xiao Hei smiled, but explained with high emotional intelligence, "My young lady is not in good health and rarely goes out. The weather is good today, so she was able to come out to bask in the sun and be active."

"Oh~ this is Miss Xiang."

Grandpas and grandmothers suddenly realized.

He couldn't help but glanced at Xiang Xing curiously.

Well, as expected, he was thin and thin, and he looked frail and malnourished.

Thinking about it, a look of sympathy appeared in the eyes of the elders.

But soon dispersed, filled with a warm smile again.

"Little girl, you will have to do more activities in the future!"

"Or come and play Tai Chi with us, you can keep fit!"

While talking, the little guy hasn't recovered yet, but he has already been surrounded by a group of old men and women into the square in the center of the park.

Looking at the smiling faces full of folds, but with enthusiasm, she paused, and finally raised the corners of her pink lips obediently.


As a result, a petite figure suddenly appeared in the senior morning training team in the park.

Together with a group of elderly people, they slowly practiced Tai Chi to the relaxing and soothing music.

Seeing this picture, Ya Ya will probably spit out a mouthful of old blood with a puff.

Xiang Xing, while punching in a proper manner, blinked his soft eyes, thinking so.


An hour later, a group of old men and old ladies finished punching and chatted and laughed together.

Xiang Xing glanced at the LED clock on Xiaohei's head.

Time to go to the supermarket.

She nodded, and after greeting the old people, she was about to leave.

At this moment, a few old ladies' laughter suddenly came from the crowd.

"Yeah, old Zhaotou, your grandson has brought us breakfast again."

"Your grandson is really filial to you, so he came back from abroad and came to visit you continuously."

"...Hey, he's doing nothing to be courteous! Hahaha..."

The one called Lao Zhaotou, the captain of the old morning training team, Grandpa Zhao, although his mouth was running, but the smug arc on the corner of his mouth became deeper and deeper.

Seeing this scene, the little guy paused, and subconsciously followed the eyes of the old ladies.

good afternoon~

Thank you garbled gentleman, orange star, dead cat for the reward~

Would you like some recommended tickets~ Okay~ a monthly pass is also okay~

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