Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 410: The Rich Woman and Little Follower of the Great God's Family (11)


Baiswei paused and glanced at the status bar subconsciously.

[Benefit buff [The End of the World is Neighboring]: Keep a distance of three meters from your friends, add 10 points of favorability and 1 point of intimacy every hour, and the effect lasts for 144 days. 】

After listening to the system prompt, the man couldn't help but slightly raised his delicate eyes.

Useless buff.


It seems that it is not useless.

Thinking, he secretly hooked his lips.

At the same time, Xiang Xing suddenly dinged in his ear and received a system prompt.

[Player [boss] requests to add you as a friend. Reason: long-term cooperation, convenient contact. 】


Xiang Xing couldn't help laughing.

He raised his hand and clicked OK on the translucent floating window.

【Added successfully. 】

【Congratulations! Get the achievement [First Partner]! 】

【Congratulations! Get the achievement [Ta's first partner]! 】

The moment the two achievements jumped out at the same time, the two couldn't help but look at each other in surprise.

"...you haven't added a single friend?"

Bai Si felt a little unbelievable and couldn't help but ask lightly.

It stands to reason that a big businessman like her should be one whose friend list is too full to add.

Otherwise, how to do business.

"Well...I don't like adding friends."

Xiang Xing scratched the back of his head a little embarrassedly.

Suddenly, she took out her small ledger from her luggage and waved it towards Bai Si.

The soft eyes smiled slightly, "Well, I always write down the buyer's name here, so I can contact you directly by private chat or via a letter from a carrier pigeon."

Hearing this, Bai Si's eyes narrowed slightly: "But this will be very troublesome."

"Otherwise more troublesome things will happen."

The little guy tilted his head, "Because adding friends will reveal my current coordinates, I don't want people to know my coordinates."

As she said that, she smiled secretly.

He stood on tiptoe vigorously, covered his mouth slightly with his small hands behind his back, and whispered softly into the man's ear.

The voice was soft and sloppy, and there was a hint of narrowness, "That's my business secret, hee hee."


Bai Si smiled lightly and didn't ask any more questions.

After thinking about it, I thought more, subconsciously opened Guguxing's equipment bar, and swiped a few times.

So I saw Xiang Xing's inaccessible garbage equipment...

The man frowned.

How can the rich and noble flowers in this world be dressed like dog's tail grass on the street?


Thinking about it, Bai Si's eyes moved slightly, then he turned around a little and stood directly in front of the little chinchilla.

The crimson lips were lightly hooked, and there was a touch of sincerity at the bottom of the scarlet eyes.

"Miss Richest Man, are you interested in joining my army?"


Xiang Xing was surprised for a while.

He couldn't help but snorted, covering his mouth and laughing, "What do you guys do with a little spicy chicken like me?"

The boss army has high requirements for joining the group, and the equipment is not up to standard, and even the threshold cannot be touched. Players in all the wind and color continents know this.

Although she was trying to catch Bai Si's attention, the legion was not Bai Si alone... There was no need to go in and drag it down.

Thinking about it, the little guy blinked his soft eyes and shook his head, "Forget it, I don't have anything to look at anyway..."

"You can have it."

Beth interrupted her refusal.

His eyes flickered, he turned his face to Jun's face, and glanced at Cashew Nut, who was counting the materials, "Cashew Nut, you can start a group in a while, and we'll go play a round of Persian Mountain."

"Yes, sir."


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