Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 423: The Rich Woman and Little Follower of the Great God's Family (24)

Someone is watching them.

Do not.

To be precise, it is not a human, but a professional surveillance AI.

The advantage of this type of surveillance AI is that, like a professional virus, it can lurk in any smart device that needs data-driven, and monitor it with the "eyes" of various smart devices.

Even if the person being monitored comes directly in front of them, they will not find their existence.

However, it is a pity that these surveillance AIs cannot avoid playing assassins for many years, and his perception has long become a kind of conditioned reflex.

Thinking about it, Bai Si couldn't help but sneer.

He quickly regained his cold expression, lowered his eyes slightly, and looked at Xiang Xing by his side.

He tilted his head slightly and raised his delicate eyebrows at her: "Girl, help me take out the mobile phone in my pocket."


Xiang Xing was stunned.

Instead, he obediently reached into his trousers pocket and took out his phone.

"Come, hold it in front of me."

Under the man's instructions, the little guy raised the phone with a bewildered face and let him unlock the screen with iris recognition.

I just heard him say again, "You open the last app in the third row of the second page and click the red button in the middle."


Xiang Xing did so silently.

However, at the moment when the onion-like finger touched the red button, there was a strange sound of "puchi--" all around.

Immediately afterwards, the entire food center building went dark as if it had been directly powered off.

The surrounding tourists were startled and exclaimed.


Bai Fu, who was still fighting with Xiao Hei, also noticed the abnormality. She jumped up and looked around suspiciously, "What's going on? Is the power cut off?"

"Notify your husband that his food center has been invaded by an unknown AI."

Bai Si threw a word at Bai Fu coldly.

Then, his expression changed again, and he continued to laugh softly at Xiang Xing, who had been stunned, "Girl, press the blue button next to you again."


The little guy raised his hand again, but stopped abruptly.

Some cautiously raised their soft eyes, pouted slightly, and looked back at the man.

Bai Si is clearly letting her do things now.

She is not responsible...

"Don't worry, you'll be fine."

The man once again read her inner activities from those watery soft eyes, and couldn't help comforting her softly.

Only then did Xiang Xing have the courage to poke hard at the phone screen.


The lights of the food center building gradually turned on again, and the power system seemed to be back to normal.

But at this moment, not far to the left of the few people, a big bear-shaped AI robot that was selling cute and soliciting customers to its own ramen shop blew out clouds of black smoke with a "bang"...


It made a series of weird digital noises, and the display on the stomach, after the chaos, directly displayed an eagle-shaped badge.

"...Space Alliance?!"

Seeing this scene, Bai Si sister and brother couldn't help but whispered in unison.

Even Xiang Xing was taken aback.

Why does the Aerospace Alliance logo appear in a bear's belly?

——Could it be that it was used to monitor her?

But she, no, even the original owner, was the first to come here.

This surveillance is installed too fast!

She couldn't understand, and subconsciously wanted to ask Ya Ya.

However, I suddenly remembered that Ya Ya was still trapped in the game and could not be contacted at all...

Thinking about it, the little guy was suddenly a little uneasy, biting his pink lips subconsciously, frowning tightly.

good night~

Thank you Xuezheng for the reward~

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