Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 483 Picked up a cute corgi (12)

Just after squatting, the door outside opened with a click.

"Wow, it's really trying to kill me..."

A sunny, healthy and clear voice of a big boy came from the direction of the living room.

He seemed to be muttering to himself dejectedly, "Does the professor need to get so many keys? Does he have hundreds of safes?"

Along with the shouting, there was a hint of wildness peculiar to animals.

And not surprisingly, it is a beast level that does not belong to wolves.

The little guy was startled, and subconsciously became more nervous.


If it is also an animal, will it find itself?

Even so, she could only continue to hide anxiously until she died...

After a while, the big boy's laughter came from outside.

"Hey, the professor is also true, forget the documents, forget to wash the dishes after breakfast... tsk tsk."

Footsteps followed the shouting towards the direction of the kitchen.

He quickly turned back, and with a creak, pushed open the door of the study.

As he approached, Xiang Xing seemed to smell an aura different from beasts.

It smells like a remnant of alcohol.

And, very familiar.

"Hmm... lesson plan lesson plan... oh huh~"

Just as she was thinking, she saw the feet wearing AJ suddenly turned to the direction of the desk, followed by a sound of paper rustling.

The little guy couldn't help but narrowed his soft eyes, praying in his heart that he had finished and left quickly...


The pair of AJs that were supposed to be turned out of the room, suddenly paused and turned back.

After an exaggerated sniffing sound came, the big boy seemed puzzled and whistled with a little smile.

"Hey, did the professor hide something good in the study..."

As if he was extremely interested, he began to wander around the study.

Xiang Xing instantly had the idea of ​​wanting to leave this beautiful world where he was.

However, just as the big boy was about to find himself under the table——

There was another sound of hurried footsteps outside the door.

Soon, a pair of big feet with black socks before they had time to wear slippers appeared in Xiang Xing's line of sight.

"Fang Ya, what are you doing?"

The familiar cold voice came, making the little guy heave a sigh of relief.

Really, really timely...


Hearing the sound, Fang Ya, who had just pulled out the chair and was about to look under the desk, was taken aback for a little while, and quickly evoked a dog-leg-like laugh, scratching the back of his head, "Professor, why are you back by yourself? "


Konai gave him a cold look.

The cold, water-blue eyes glanced at the shoe print that stretched from the living room a few times, and suddenly stretched out a finger.

His voice was hoarse and chilling, "You came in without taking off your shoes and stepped on my floor dirty. Tell me what to do."


Fang Ya frowned strangely.

After thinking about it, I couldn't help muttering in a low voice, "Professor, you didn't wash the dishes yourself..."

However, seeing his professor's icy cold eyes that were about to turn into ice cones and stab himself into a sieve, Fang Ya couldn't help shivering, and ran out despairingly.

Lifting the mop combination by the wall, "I'll clean it up for you..."

"Take off your shoes for me first."

Konai shouted softly outside, and then gently closed the door.

Then he squatted down, bowed his head, and looked under the table.

He met those shivering black soft eyes.

"Stay here and come out when we're gone."

good evening~

Thank you Jun Xiaofang, Xuezheng and Lu Heqing for their rewards~

Ask for a recommendation ticket~Ask for a monthly ticket~

Not finished yet, there will be more tonight~

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