Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 520 Picked up a cute corgi (49)

He froze in astonishment.

But the next second, he suddenly felt a petite breath, and suddenly swooped towards him.

The man's center of gravity was unsteady, and he fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, I felt a sharp pain in my arm.


Konai gasped in pain and opened his eyes in astonishment.

I saw Xiang Xing in front of him, has changed back to the appearance of a little corgi.

Her sharp teeth were shining, biting his arm fiercely.

She had no restraint and bit hard.

But for a moment, the man's arm was bitten by her until scarlet blood oozes out.


Konai opened his mouth, but was speechless.

He didn't know what she was doing.

But he didn't want to stop her.

Just being bitten by her like this, watching her bit by bit, scoured the blood oozing from the arm and swallowed it into her stomach.

It wasn't until she seemed to have had enough that she let go of her mouth and squatted aside.

"Since your blood is poisonous and it will make you bad, then if I drink your blood now, I am also poisoned and will be as bad as you."

The little hairball drooped his pointed airplane ears, tilted his head, and stared at Konai with his soft black eyes very seriously.

Suddenly he laughed again, licked his mouth, and said solemnly, "Then the big devil has the responsibility to watch over the little devil and can't let her do anything more outrageous, is that the truth?"


As she said that, she changed her body and changed back to the appearance of a girl.

Leaning forward, he climbed into the man's arms, and a pair of small hands tightly grasped the front of his shirt.

The pink lips were lightly hooked, and she smiled sweetly, "I want to face it with you."

After all, the little guy actively bowed his head.

Give him a strong bloody smell.


Ke Nai stared at Shui Lan's eyes in amazement, staring blankly at the pair of soft eyes that were close at hand and slightly closed.

Immediately afterwards, there seemed to be something in my heart, and it quietly opened with a click.

It made those delicate eyes suddenly relax, and after passing through a complex emotion, it returned to the warmth with strong affection.

it is good.

He quietly responded to her in his heart.

Then he no longer restrained hesitation, tightened his arms, and embraced the little man in his arms again.



The two walked all the way from the specimen room to Xiang Xing's bedroom.

When entering the door, Konai, who was not paying attention to his feet, suddenly kicked a large box next to the door.

The clanging sound made Xiang Xing suddenly come back to his senses, and he couldn't help struggling to jump out of his embrace.

"You, you wait a minute!"

The little guy yelled and pounced on the big sealed box, looking up and down worriedly.

There was nothing unusual about it, so she quickly patted her little chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

The man on the side looked slightly puzzled.

He couldn't help leaning against the door, and looked down at her amusingly, "What kind of baby are you?"

Although, when he sent her back last night, he had already discovered the existence of this strange box.

Despite being curious, out of courtesy and respect, he did not open it up to find out.

"That's it."

Xiang Xing paused.

But he shrugged his small shoulders and laughed a few times.

Afterwards, she raised her delicate face, her soft eyes crooked with a smile, "This is my birthday present for you!"

"Fortunately, today is not over yet..."

The little guy murmured happily, and took a pair of scissors from the low cabinet beside him.

He started to unpack the box.

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