Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 802 The emperor loves to listen to the story of the palace (13)

Xiang Xing stood beside the tea table, watching the palace people who filed in, placing the delicious dishes in the food box on the table.

Even because the little Eight Immortals table is not big enough, he moved into a long table from the outside and continued to set it up.

After setting up fifty or sixty dishes, the group of palace talents withdrew one after another.

The little guy was stunned.

To be honest, she hadn't seen such a big scene in a long time.

After all, it was a long, long, long time ago that I was a queen, a harem or something...


On the other hand, of course, she hadn't eaten this kind of palace dish that put the color and aroma first, of course!

What four treasures platter, eight treasures wild duck, golden bergamot roll, pearl tofu, five-spice mandarin fish...

There are also all kinds of soups and snacks, which really tempted her to become greedy in an instant, and she almost couldn't help jumping on it directly and feasting on it.

But the people in this room were watching, but it really made her not used to getting used to it, so she could only continue to hold back cautiously.

As everyone knows, her entangled greed is directly overlooked by the first resignation.

Is this because he is afraid that he will give her a fake death drug?

However, he somehow thought this little girl was quite interesting.

Thinking about it, the man smiled, and then glanced at Eunuch An at the side.


The public security officer nodded knowingly and began to test dishes one by one.

After confirming that there was no problem, he led a group of palace servants and maids out with the help of his master's gaze.

"Okay, stop watching, come and eat."

The man pursed his lips lightly, and took the first step into the seat.

In front of Xiang Xing, he first picked up a piece of duck meat and tasted it.

"Well, today's duck meat is not bad..."

He nodded his head as if aftertaste, and took another piece.

Without raising his head, he said, "Empress, if you don't come to eat again, this dish will be eaten by Gu."


Xiang Xing thought that if he could finish it all, then she would admire it.

However, the current atmosphere was softened a lot by his more relaxed and homely tone.

The little guy paused, then no longer hesitated, and sat down on her seat obediently.

At first, she was still a little apprehensive, while observing the face of the young emperor on the opposite side, holding herself, small chopsticks and small chopsticks to pick vegetables.

Later, I found out that the first speech not only didn't say anything, on the contrary, when she couldn't hold back a few times and let go of eating, she frequently looked over with interest...

Xiang Xing simply opened his belly, how to eat how fragrant.

If you don't mind, just take care of him!


So, Xiang Xing scanned all the dishes he liked and wanted to eat.

Then he slumped on the chair contentedly and patted the slightly propped belly.

However, when the leftovers on the table were removed, and the sky was getting darker outside, a certain emperor had no intention of leaving at all.

I saw him stand up calmly and go back to the table of the Eight Immortals to sit down.

After taking a slow sip of the hot tea that had just been brewed, he cast a slightly smiling look at Xiang Xing again.

"Have you had enough to eat and drink?"

The man tapped his chin lightly, the corners of his lips hooked lightly, and said directly, "Come on, continue to tell your story."


Xiang Xing choked for a moment.

There was a little helplessness in the soft eyes.

Feelings are kept until now, in order to listen to her continue to tell the story...

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