Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 804 The emperor loves to listen to the story of the palace (15)

However, she saw that she was probably talking too much, and was coughing faintly, clearing her throat, and pouring tea for herself to moisten her throat.

Noticing his gaze, he smiled sweetly and softly at him as if he was rushing to cheer up.

"Has the emperor finished handling the matter? Then the concubine will continue to talk..."

Hearing her hoarse voice, she couldn't help squinting her reddish-brown eyes lightly.

He finally raised his hand and gently patted the little guy's little hand that was still clutching the teacup.

"Let's be here today, I'm tired of being alone."

He laughed softly, "You also need to protect your throat so that you won't be able to speak tomorrow."

After saying that, the man got up and walked out of the Phoenix Palace without looking back.


Looking at the back that gradually disappeared from sight, Xiang Xing was stunned for a while.

Finally, pressing his chest, he let out a deep breath.


It took her a day and a night (although most of the time she slept), but she passed this first hurdle!

And judging from what he meant, it should be a representative, she can "temporarily" sit in the position of the queen, right?

At least I can sit until she finishes telling the story or something...

After all, the emperor seems to be really interested in her story.

After thinking about it, Xiang Xing couldn't help swallowing his throat that was indeed a little dry and tight.

After all, storytelling is a chore.

The little guy is sighing.

But suddenly there was a series of small footsteps and some slight chatter sounds from outside the hall.

It sounded like the voice of Eunuch An.

Soon, the maid who was waiting outside came in with a somewhat unique purple sand teapot.

He smiled and said, "Niangniang, Eunuch An brought a pot of specially prepared throat tea from the Taiyuan Hospital, saying that it was a reward from the sage!"


Xiang Xing responded nonchalantly.

After a while, she couldn't help pursing her lips and smiled faintly.

Immediately, he took the tea poured by the maid and took a few sips.

The next second, the little guy's soft eyes suddenly sparkled, and he couldn't help but stare at the teacup in his hand in amazement.

——As expected of the special tune of the Taiyuan Hospital, I only took two sips, and my throat is actually not so tight!

Thinking about it, the little guy happily took a few more sips.

Drinking and drinking, but suddenly remembered something, paused, and immediately sent out the palace servants and maids in this room.

Immediately, he jumped off the chair, jumped, and ran towards the gold wire cage hanging by the window.

He caught the duck parrot that was still sleeping inside, and shook it vigorously to wake up: [Duck duck, spit out my hidden plot! ]

She actually remembered that the hidden plot hadn't been watched yet...

It's all, it's all to blame for the first word, the food and drink are so delicious that she ignores the serious business.

[…I know, I know, don’t shake it! ]

Duck Ya almost vomited by her shaking, and had to wake up in a daze.

After being awake for a while, he pecked the little guy's soft palm slightly angrily.

But in an instant, a large number of plot clips flooded into Xiang Xing's mind crazily.


After watching the hidden plot, Xiang Xing was directly in a circle.

The little mouth opened slightly in surprise, and his mind could not calm down for a long time.

what's up?

This hidden plot... how is it the story she told, the story of the Trojan War is almost exactly the same? !

Is it a coincidence, or is the old palace lazy and directly using other people's legends to pinch the background...

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