Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 806 The emperor loves to listen to the story of the palace (17)

[...That's true. ]

Xiang Xing blinked his eyes softly.

[So...how about No. 1 Lian, that's also their No. 1 family's business, so it's better to let No. 1 resign on his own. ]

Duck Duck shook its little parrot's head, looking like he was old enough, [Besides, you haven't fully gained the trust of the first word yet. If we did something and were misunderstood by him, then it wouldn't matter. Just GG. ]

[…You are right! ]

Hearing this, Xiang Xing couldn't help nodding his head twice.

Anyway, what she has to do now is to save her little life first.

After thinking about it, the little guy calmed down a little.

After washing and changing clothes, he turned off the lights and went back to bed.

Of course, she slept for almost a day, and now she doesn't feel sleepy anymore.

Let me figure it out, it's only a quarter of an hour now, that is, around nine o'clock in the evening.

In modern times, at this point, she is still watching eight o'clock with Ya Ya...

One thing to say, before you get used to it, this ancient life is still quite boring.

——Let's re-read the Trojan Horse story and consolidate it.

Thinking about it, Xiang Xing closed his eyes and asked Ya Ya to access the system library...


On the other side, in the Yangshen Temple.

"...Sir, my subordinates have gone to the wilderness area to investigate in the daytime. According to the local villagers, about five years ago, the prince, who was a teenager, did get very close to a mother and daughter who were temporarily living in the mountains. "

The shadow guard nodded humbly and reported to the first speech in detail, "However, the villagers don't know who the mother and daughter are, but they only know that they call themselves Lingu and Linger, and they are barefoot husbands who walk in the rivers and lakes."

"Aunt Ling, Ling'er..."

The first word put down the teacup, lightly supported the tight and delicate jaw, and chewed the two names carefully.

Although I don't know which word it is, such a nickname does inevitably make people think of Princess Lingluo of Bayang Kingdom.

It seems that his innocent brother, there is indeed an unknown story outside the palace.

So here comes the problem.

Linger is Princess Lingluo, who is this Lingu?

Thinking about it, the man's eyes narrowed for a while, and he immediately ordered the shadow guard, "Continue the investigation and find out the identity of Aunt Ling as soon as possible."


Shadow Guard nodded.

He seemed to be thinking of something, and then asked back, "Your Majesty, if the lord really runs away for the sake of Princess Lingluo's marriage, should the subordinates stop it..."

After all, if this happened, it would not be a glorious thing.

It may even affect the relationship between Bayang, Nanjiang and Haiqi.

The first sentence never thought of this.

I saw him pondering for a moment, and finally shook his head.

"You can just follow. For the rest, Rong Gu will think about countermeasures."

"Remember, don't scare the snake."

The man raised his eyes slightly, and there was a touch of coldness in the bottom of his eyes, "Behind this, it's definitely not just the love of the little family, you must act cautiously."



late at night.

After Xiang Xing re-organized the story and became familiar with it, he finally felt a little sleepy again and planned to sleep.

But at this moment, she suddenly felt a slight strange movement flashed outside the window again.

And this time, it doesn't seem that she felt the aura of those shadow guards in the first speech.

In the unfamiliar, there is a faint sense of strange familiarity.

It even made her body feel a little almost instinctive fear!

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