Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 810 The emperor loves to listen to the story of the palace (21)

On the contrary, it made him look more elegant and handsome.

And the beating candlelight even shrouded the man's body with a faint outline, as if his whole body would glow.

In this situation, the little guy can't help but feel a little crazy.

And the first word seemed to have noticed her waking up, and after a pause, she couldn't help but quickly put away the letterhead in her hand and put it into a long brocade box on the side.

Immediately, she turned to Jun Yan, and her red lips twitched slightly.

The slender eyes drooped slightly, stared at her, and said with a low smile: "But did you wake up the queen?"

"...No, the concubine has already woken up."

The little guy came back to his senses instantly when he asked him, and sat up in a hurry.

She blinked softly, looked at the man again, and immediately asked with a dry smile, "Well... Your Majesty, it's not even the morning of the morning. You drank so much last night, why don't you sleep more?"

"It's okay."

The man smiled and shook his head, "If you open your eyes alone, you have to wake up, otherwise you will be uncomfortable."

"……I see."

Xiang Xing nodded his head as if he didn't understand.


In other words, this is only the case when you are in a highly tense mental state for a long time...

If it goes on like this, it will be mentally debilitating.

It seemed that he was under a lot of pressure.

But who is the king of a country who has less pressure?

The little guy sighed with emotion.

But after thinking about it for a second, she immediately lifted up the corners of her lips with pink and lightly jumped to the ground.

I saw her danglingly walked behind the first resignation, carefully twisting his hair.

Suddenly, he lowered his head again, smiled sweetly, and blinked at the man with soft eyes.

He asked softly, "Your Majesty, will your concubine help you comb your hair and tie your hair, okay?"


The first word smiled and nodded, then relaxed her posture and let her pretend.

Fortunately, Xiang Xing still remembered her Wanguan skills from several lifetimes ago, and before the original owner married into the palace, there was also an old mother who would teach this skill, so that she was very handy when she got up.

After a while, he gave the man a neat and neat bun, and then carefully fastened him with the dragon-shaped jade crown.

"Well, Wan is good!"

When the masterpiece was completed, Xiang Xing clapped his hands proudly, looked up and down, and admired himself.

Seeing her little proud appearance, the first words couldn't help but smile lightly, took the mirror that she handed over, and took a few glances.

Instead, he nodded repeatedly with satisfaction: "Yes, it's quite decent."

"Thank you for your praise~"

The little guy was praised, and he couldn't help laughing in a milky voice.

After thinking about it, she suddenly became more interested, and couldn't help pulling the man up from the chair.

"Chen and concubine also change the imperial uniform for the emperor by the way!"

Just listening to the little girl giggling, and then carrying the emperor's court clothes from the hands of Eunuch An who had heard the sound early.

He started gesticulating up and down, trying to put on a wrap for the man.

Looking at the look on her face, plus it was still early before the morning, the first resignation was happy and leisurely, so she continued to let her pretend.

But the little girl in front of her had neat hands and feet, and after a while, she had already sorted it out for him.

And he is more critical than Antu, and even a little wrinkle has to be ironed hard with that little hand.

Seeing the first words, I couldn't help shaking my head, and immediately grabbed her wrist, gently persuading: "Okay, okay... Anyway, if you walk alone for a while, you will be wrinkled, so don't iron it."

Thank you Mo Ran for the reward~

We will resume the sixth watch today, so there will be another chapter in a while

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