Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 814 The emperor loves to listen to the story of the palace (25)

Although they seem to be very warm and friendly, they also feel very kind.

But...the heart of being defensive is a must.

Especially in this complex harem.

However, the sisters can understand what the little girl in front of her is thinking.

They couldn't help but look at each other and smile, then each picked up a piece of cake and ate it in front of her face.

Seeing this, Xiang Xing felt a little more relieved, and also took a snack that looked like sweet-scented osmanthus cake and tasted it carefully.

With just one bite, her soft eyes suddenly sparkled: "It's delicious!!"

"That is!"

The girl in yellow laughed, her eyes full of pride, "Sister Rong is the best cook among us! But it's a pity, we won't be able to taste it in the future~ alas~"

"Look at you~ What a sigh! That's a big happy event for Sister Rong!"

A girl in pink on the side patted her on the shoulder lightly, and said with a slight anger, "Tonight we have to celebrate Sister Rong's 'passing away' in three days. You look the most lively, but don't cry at the critical moment. Nose!"

As soon as these words came out, the sisters couldn't help laughing.

Xiang Xing almost choked on the sweet-scented sweet-scented osmanthus.

Sick, sick and still celebrating?


"...Hey, look at your nonsense, you're scaring Sister Xin!"

An older woman in red who looked more mature and prudent gave the two little sisters a light glance, then walked over to Xiang Xing and put her slender shoulders on her slender shoulders.

He explained with a smile, "Don't be afraid, the 'death' they say is not really 'death', that is the privilege given to us by the emperor."


Although he could vaguely guess it, Xiang Xing still pretended to be covered in a circle and blinked softly.

Seeing that the red-clothed woman smiled even more, she couldn't help raising her fingertips and gently nudged her bright and plain white forehead.

"Look at how confused you are... Did you forget it or didn't understand it before? It is the emperor's kindness to come here, and he promised to set us free at the right time!"

"That's right, the so-called death from illness and death by Bai Ling are just excuses... Of course, we are used to making jokes like this on weekdays.

The rest of the sisters also echoed with a smile.

"...That's it."

Xiang Xing continued to maintain her sluggish appearance and responded ignorantly.

There is infinite emotion in my heart.

These ladies are so innocent.

No doubt why she didn't know.

And each of them seems to have great expectations for going out of the palace.

Could it be that... there is no one here who likes the first word? !

Is the first sentence so unattractive!

Thinking about it, the little guy couldn't hold back, and asked in a low voice, "My sisters are so looking forward to leaving the palace, everyone doesn't like the emperor..."

Before she could finish her sentence, the woman in red in front of her was startled, she quickly stretched out her hand and covered her mouth.


She only heard her hissed eagerly, and then quickly shook her head, "You can't say this, but if you say it, it's really dead!"


Xiang Xing widened his soft eyes blankly, and continued to blink incomprehensibly.

But seeing these little sisters, they smiled similarly.

"Those of us who can live in Cihua Palace naturally don't like the emperor."

A lady in blue who looked gentle and demure walked forward with a light smile, tilted her head slightly, "This life and selfishness, we naturally choose to live."

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