Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 818 The emperor loves to listen to the story of the palace (29)

"However, the kingdom of this little prince is not only prosperous and prosperous, but also the military strength is first-class."

"In addition, the witch Zhu, who helped the little prince, also came to help out, and the powerful witchcraft on this alliance army also seriously hindered their progress."

"The opponent's strong strength, coupled with witchcraft assists, directly caused these allies to be unable to attack for a long time, and they fought hard for several years."

"At this point, more and more surrounding countries learned about this, and they all joined the alliance army with righteous indignation, making what was originally a simple fight for wives turned into a massive war of annihilation..."

"Gu but thinks that this war can be expanded to such an extent that it is not as simple as just being robbed of a woman."

Listening to the first sentence of the story, he smiled casually, and suddenly interrupted Xiang Xing's storytelling.

I saw him supporting his arms, as if he was leaning against the tea table comfortably, his slender palms gently supported the delicate, tight, angular jaw.

Those slender eyes narrowed lightly, the reddish-brown pupils stared at the little guy lightly, the lips curved, and he asked her softly, "Queen, the country of the little prince you mentioned is a country that is backed by mountains and seas, and gathers sea and land. The prime location of Shuangshang Road?"


Xiang Xing tilted his head, frowned, and thought about it carefully.

Can't help nodding, "It seems so."

"That's it."

The first words smiled even more, but the delicate eyebrows were dyed with a very light helpless color.

He just listened to him continue, "Actually, the country where this queen lives, and his allied brothers, must only want to divide up this rich and convenient country, and the hatred of taking a wife is only second, and it's just an excuse. "

"So, although there is no fornication between the little prince and the queen, these allied brothers will sooner or later give birth to an excuse to trigger this war."

He calmly came to the final conclusion.

Xiang Xing blinked softly and nodded thoughtfully.

That seems to be the case in the original.

Thinking about it, she pursed her pink lips, but she mustered up the courage to look at the man who was drinking tea softly.

After a pause, he cautiously asked: "Then... the emperor, if you were the father of the little prince, what would you do in the face of so many unexpected opponents?"


I don't know if the first word was stopped or something, but he was silent for a while, and the hand holding the teacup also stopped.

However, this solidification did not last long.

I saw him chuckle very lightly, and his delicate eyebrows were suddenly stained with his unique sinister color.

"Is it not the gullible person who believes in ghosts and gods, and will find the first person who thinks about our country before all this happens."

His thin lips moved, and there was a hint of coldness in his hoarse voice, "Whether it is a human being or a ghost, or a god, a lonely person can completely kill his stupid idea."


Xiang Xing stared blankly at the man who suddenly exuded terrifying pressure.

Heart can not help but sigh silently.

As expected of him...


Just from the beginning of one of her stories, he had already thought of the first Lian, and had monitored him.

And the visit to the west soon after is presumably related to the departure of the first Lian.

Like him, a man who can take the lead in everything and turn passive into active, why not take care of this big country.

good evening~

Thank you for the reward for being a hot girl~

Ask for a recommendation ticket~

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