Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 831 The emperor loves to listen to the story of the palace (42)

——But what is the matter with this suburb like purgatory on earth?

The people collapsed on the ground, stunned and convulsed; the tragic scene of the coexistence of the living and the dead, the combination of rot and grief; all kinds of grief and crying, or shrill and painful screams...

Seeing the first Lian, his whole body was cold, and his eyes were extremely round.

He couldn't help but swayed a few times and almost fell over, but fortunately, the dark guard beside him came to help him in time, so he didn't lose his temper.

"... These people are suffering from the plague like this!"

With trembling thin lips, he subconsciously murmured towards his confidant Jiang He.

Hearing this, Jiang He was silent for a while, but he could only nod helplessly: "Yes, my lord, this... has been going on for a long time."

Even when they wandered around here on weekdays, they often couldn't bear to watch it, and they came up to help several times.

"...Then Lu Wantian doesn't care about the people in this suburb?!"

The first Lian was extremely puzzled and shook his head in disbelief.

When he first arrived in Ximeng, the main mansion of Lucheng was kind-hearted and dedicated to fighting the epidemic, but he still vividly remembers it!

……Do not.

Maybe it's because this Simmons is really too big, even if he has the heart, he can't reach it.

The first Lian naively built psychological comfort for himself.

Until a very near shrill scream disrupted his thoughts.

I saw a brawny man, five big and three thick, suddenly fell to the ground in front of him, rolling and twitching continuously.

And the strong man was not only pale, his lips were black, but there was a faintly dark purple aura on his face.

Seeing this scene, the first Lian felt a sudden shock in his heart.

This breath... why does it make him feel a little familiar?

However, when he looked intently and wanted to confirm further.

The strange aura dissipated, as if everything just now was just an illusion.

However, the pain level of the strong man in front of him still made him unbearable.

However, at this moment, two exquisite and graceful slender figures grabbed in front of him, surrounding the strong man from left to right.

It was two girls.

I saw that the servant-like one desperately suppressed the strong man's struggling body, while the master-like one calmly took his pulse, and then seemed to have used gong and poured his inner strength directly into it. Inside the strong man.

Seeing the first Lian, he was immediately stunned.

Is this...healing?


Why does this girl look so familiar? ?

Thinking about it, the first Lian couldn't help holding his breath and took a few steps forward.

After that, he leaned slightly and stared at the girl's fair and beautiful profile.

After a while, he was shocked, as if shocked, and couldn't help but blurted out: "You are, yes..."


How could the queen appear in this suburb of Ximen!

The Imperial Brother's Western Tour Brigade has clearly not arrived yet!


Xiang Xing, who was concentrating on healing the strong man, was also startled when he heard the movement on his side, he couldn't help but slightly turned his head and glanced around.

Seeing the rebellious child who ran away from home for a long time, Yi Lian was standing beside her, not only was the little guy not surprised, but his eyes were instantly squinted in annoyance.

After a pause, he ignored him and continued with the work at hand.

In my heart, I rolled my eyes frantically.

How could this idiot suddenly appear here.

Shouldn't he have been tricked by the mother and daughter to fly to the southern border wholeheartedly to save the beauty.

Thank you for your reward~

Good night~ Looking for a recommendation ticket and a monthly pass~

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