Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 837 The emperor loves to listen to the storytelling of the palace (48)


The first speech hooked a small smile, with a look of disbelief.

But he didn't ask any further, he just raised his head again, looked at the sky, and pretended to be thinking.

Immediately, he raised his slender arms and gently embraced the little guy's slender shoulders, before smiling softly at her, "I think you're bored here? ... Do you want to go outside?"


Xiang Xing was stunned for a moment.

After thinking for a while, he shook his head lightly, his voice soft and waxy, "No, we have to save people."

Leaving behind this group of ordinary people who were waiting for rescue, she went to play or something... Just thinking about it made her feel uncomfortable and uneasy.

Unexpectedly, the man sneered and shook his head lightly.

"Come around with me, why not save people?"

After saying the first words, without waiting for Xiang Xing to answer, he took her into his arms.

Afterwards, he immediately jumped up and flew out of the small disaster relief camp, heading towards the city of Ximeng not far away.


Enter Simmons.

The two quietly escaped the dozing guards on the city wall, slid down the city wall along a remote corner, and slipped into Ximen City smoothly.

Afterwards, they disguised themselves and turned into an ordinary couple who were unremarkable, and went straight to strolling around the city.

Speaking of which, the epidemic situation in the city of Ximen is indeed much lighter than that outside the city.

The streets are fairly neat and orderly, and the people can maintain their daily lives, unlike the sick and mourning outside the city.

Occasionally, there will be one or two sick people, but every so often, the patrolling guards of Ximeng City will arrive at the first moment and forcibly take the sick people to the isolation area divided by a remote part of the city.

In serious cases, they are thrown out of the city and left to fend for themselves...

It looks extremely inhumane, but it has to be said that in ancient times, this was indeed one of the ways to prevent the rapid spread of diseases in densely populated areas.

Although it doesn't have any use for the inner breath poison.

In addition, what made the two people even more angry and troubled was that because of the "plague", the price of goods in Ximen City was many times higher than their imperial capital in Haiqi Kingdom...

Not to mention the medicinal materials that can cure diseases, almost every pharmacy sells them at sky-high prices.

In this way, it is difficult for the people in the city to get medicine, not to mention the epidemic patients in the suburbs...

Thinking about it, Xiang Xing sighed helplessly.

Immediately, he looked at the man beside him.

To her surprise, he didn't show any extra thoughts, he just watched everything around him lightly.

As for whether she secretly recorded these accounts in the small book in her heart, she did not know that it was all on Lu Wantian's head~

The two held hands and continued to stroll to the center of the city.

But at this moment, the little guy suddenly realized that in the corner of his eyes, there seemed to be an inexplicably familiar graceful figure, and he quickly swept over.

She couldn't help stunned for a moment, and looked sideways subconsciously.

I saw not far from the side, a middle-aged woman dressed as an ordinary woman with a slightly staggered figure, but hurriedly walking away in the direction of the main city of Ximeng City.

Seeing her face clearly, Xiang Xing suffocated his breath for a moment, and his feet suddenly stopped.

The first word also felt sideways, and couldn't help but look back in doubt: "...What's the matter?"


I saw Xiang Xing didn't look away, he just pulled the man's sleeve corner vigorously and hurriedly whispered, "Wei Hongling, it's Wei Hongling!"

good evening~

Thank you Qianqiu for the reward~

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