Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 852 The emperor loves to listen to the storytelling of the palace (63)

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, the old minister will call on the entire army to invade the Grand Canyon and kill those barbarians to pieces!"

Excited, the old man turned around directly, pulled out a sword from the haystack beside him, and wanted to rush out.

Surprised at the first speech, he hurried forward to stop: "Master, please calm down first, don't be impulsive at this time!"

"...He so blatantly violated my border in the southern border, how can the old minister calm down!"

Old General Wu roared in a low voice.

But after all, it was the current sage who stopped him. He couldn't just let out this anger, he could only threw the sword to the ground angrily, and sighed heavily.

"Master, my disciple can understand your mood."

The first word laughed, and pulled the old man back to the chair again.

Looking at him, his eyes narrowed, "The other party chose to ambush and not attack. According to Yigu, it is very likely that he wants to use King Anyang to make a surprise counterattack."

"Moreover, Gu actually has some countermeasures. This time, he sneaked in quietly. One is to inform you to prepare for the battle; two, he wants to discuss with you first, and then counterattack."

"...Is that so?"

Seeing the calm expression on his disciple's face, as well as the slightly self-confident arc of his mouth, Wu Zhongtian paused, and finally calmed down.

I saw him sinking, and a little wise light flashed in his eyes, and asked lightly, "Then, what is the countermeasure of the saint?"

The first sentence smiled.


On the other side, hidden in the southern border camp at the bottom of the luminous valley.

A tall and thin maid quietly slipped out of the camp when the surrounding warriors were not paying attention to her.

Relying on Qinggong, he groped all the way to the edge of the canyon, and then stepped on those artificial springboards and quickly returned to the top of the canyon.

I saw her standing still and squinting, and after getting used to the bright light a little, she looked lonely, staggered to the foot of a big tree on the edge of the cliff, and sat down heavily.

With a sneer, he raised his hand and brushed away the skin on his face.

The face of a beautiful and lovely girl suddenly turned into the face of a handsome young man.

Maid, no, the man looked at Yi Rongpi in his hand, and was stunned for a while.

Then, like a child, he hugged his legs and buried his handsome face between his knees.

My heart is cold.

Unexpectedly, he really did not expect it.

It's fine for the master to despise him, even Ling Luo, who was behind his back, actually spoke of him as stupid as a pig, with a look of contempt on his face.

Perhaps, he was really as stupid as a pig at first.

After being played by this pair of mother and daughter for so many years, I still foolishly thought that I could harvest the unparalleled talent and beauty and envy the beautiful love of others...

It even gave them an opportunity to bring that sinister poison to Ximeng, to create a plague and to mutilate the people of Limin in his Haiqi country!

The first Lian suddenly felt that he was sorry for Hai Qi at all, and even more sorry for the emperor.

Thinking of this, the man slapped his shoulders and raised his head suddenly.

Eyes cold.

Now that he has learned about the Southern Border army ambushing in this canyon and the truth behind the plague, what he should do now is to make up for his faults and tell the emperor all this clearly!

If the emperor wanted to be punished afterwards, he also admitted it!

After all, that's what he deserves!

Thinking of this, the little prince made up his mind, and his eyes regained a little look.

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