Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 854 The emperor loves to listen to the storytelling of the palace (65)

Seeing that face clearly, the first Lian paused, and his expression was even more shocked.

If he's not mistaken, this face, this person...

Where is Wei Hongling's subordinate, it is clearly the king of the southern border, that is, Lingluo's future husband - Wu Yuejian!

I really didn't expect that this Wu Yuejian would condescend to hide under Wei Hongling's command and follow her to the Haiqi border?

It's no wonder that Wei Hongling can use 10,000 warriors to protect the southern border...

Thinking of this, the first Lian didn't dare to be careless, and hurriedly secretly used his internal strength to protect his body, and put on a defensive posture.

However, his actions caused the Southern Border King to burst into laughter.


The burly and resolute man smiled recklessly, and the sarcasm on the corner of his mouth was even worse, "First Lian, with your small bamboo pole-like figure, and your little three-legged cat kung fu... Do you want to fight against this king?"

"I think you should be very clear that the most powerful inner strength method you have ever learned is the martial arts of our southern border. Are you right?"

Wu Yuejian said, spreading his hands towards his subordinates on the left and right.

The subordinates seemed to be amused by him, and they nodded in agreement as he laughed.

This move directly aroused the first Lian's face to turn embarrassed.

Heart is quite powerless.

After all, he was absolutely right.

Thinking of this, the first Lian couldn't help but regret it in his heart.

If when I returned to the palace from the mountain forest, I had been with my brother, and devoted myself to learning martial arts from General Wu Zhongtian, the world's number one general, instead of relying on the little three-legged cat that Wei Hongling casually taught me...

At least he won't end up in the situation where he is being laughed at now!

However, despite this... he is also a good man of Hai Qi, and he cannot be taken lightly by this southern border barbarian!

After thinking about it, the first Lian closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

When he opened his eyes again, the bottom of his eyes suddenly became a little colder.

"Yo, is our beautiful and unparalleled little prince serious?"

Seeing his serious appearance, Wu Yuejian slightly raised the corner of his lips, and sneered contemptuously, "Yes, but there is still some shadow of the 'tyrant' on him."

As he spoke, he suddenly changed his words.

"But it's a pity, even if the first deity is standing here, he will eventually be the defeat of my Wu Yuejian, let alone you!"

As soon as the words fell, Wu Yuejian didn't move any more, raised his hand boldly, and sent a deep and solemn palm towards the first wave!


The first Lian was startled, and quickly drove the light exercise movement technique that he had prepared for a long time, and ducked to the side.

The palm of the wind directly hit the towering tree with the thickness of four people behind him.

The palm wind swept across, and the tree was slashed like a giant axe. With a click, it snapped...

"Yoha, Qinggong is not bad, you can actually escape the palm of this king!"

Wu Yuejian laughed loudly, and a strong fighting intent burst out from his eagle eyes.

But for a moment, the second palm slashed towards the first Lian.

It's a pity that he slashed several big palms in a row, but they were all escaped by the first Lian.

How could the arrogant King of Southern Borders endure this repeated, repeated miss, and finally there were a few more cracks on his face.

Can't help but speak, using words to stimulate, "I said King Anyang, don't you people in the Central Plains talk about the ability of a man to bend and stretch all the time? You have been hiding like a tortoise, are you still a man!"

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