Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 866 The emperor loves to listen to the story of the palace (77)

Thinking about the recent busyness, he seemed to have not seen her eat with such peace of mind for a long time.

Fortunately, this Simmons turmoil is proceeding in an orderly manner, and it will soon be completely over.

Then I can take her back...

Thinking about the plan in his heart for a long time, the man couldn't help but smile.

The handsome face with a smile, under the faint shroud of the white moonlight, is even more exquisite, making people intoxicated.

Of course, Xiang Xing, who was concentrating on eating snacks, didn't see it at all.

It was because he ate too deeply, which made the man beside him gradually show displeasure.


Finally, the first word couldn't help hissing lightly, and then he stretched his slender arms over and snatched her precious red bean cake directly from the little guy.


The cake in his hand suddenly disappeared, Xiang Xing couldn't help trembling violently, and then he turned his eyes softly and glared at the man who was robbing the food.

Feeling aggrieved, he pouted and protested, "The dignified monarch of a country, how can he still grab other people's snacks to eat?"

"Someone else's, isn't this snack just given to the queen?"

The first word laughed, and even deliberately sent the nibbled red bean cake directly into the mouth, chewing and swallowing it with relish.

In the eyes that are as bright as gems, the wanton color is even more, "And the queen is right, the dignified king of a country, the grass and the land in Haiqi, everything, of course, belongs to me."

"Including these snacks, but also you."

When the hoarse words fell, Xiang Xing felt a sudden darkness in front of him, and the handsome face with a sinister smile suddenly approached.

Bend down and drop a kiss.


After a long while, the man laughed lowly and let go of the stunned little guy.

He smacked his lips again, as if he had an endless aftertaste, and curled his lips lightly: "Well, the sweetness and fragrance of this red bean cake are really just right."

As he spoke, he suddenly turned his attention to Eunuch Antu, who was waiting beside him. He immediately raised his slender fingers and waved them lightly, "Go and give some money to the cook who cooks dim sum."


An Tu didn't know that the sage wanted to let him go, so he couldn't help but smiled, turned and left.

In the huge back garden, only Xiang Xing and the first Ci were left.

And the little guy who was just attacked, has not recovered at this moment, and still looks sluggish.

Seeing that the man laughed again and again, he hurriedly took her into his arms and circled her gently.

After thinking for a while, he leaned into the small ear and whispered softly: "Xing'er, do you still remember the thing you promised me that day on Xilan Peak?"


Hearing the words that were gentle, but with a hint of danger, Xiang Xing reacted wisely, his cheeks slumped.

To be honest, she's been so busy lately that she really forgot...

Thinking about it, the little guy paused for a while, then quickly picked up his little finger and counted it one by one.

More and more uneasy.

It seems to have dragged on for a few days.

No wonder this guy seems to be a little angry...

After thinking about it, Xiang Xing couldn't help but puffed up the face of the small dumpling and thought about it.

In the end, he chose to serve soft, and in that broad and warm embrace, he murmured in a milky voice, "I'm sorry, Aci... I, I'll make it up from today, okay..."


The first word raised his eyebrows in astonishment.

He thought that she might be awkward not to admit it.

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