Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 875 The emperor loves to listen to the story of the palace (86)

Not only that, but even the jailers in the dungeon said that the plague outside had been completely cleared away, and the last sick citizen in the entire city of Ximen had fully recovered last night.

In order to celebrate this great event, the young empress held another grand celebration in the whole West Bengal area.

After the jubilation, the entire Royal West Touring Brigade has completed its merits and is about to return to the imperial court.

This frightened Wei Hongling.

She can't just be taken back to the Haiqi Emperor's capital!

But she couldn't understand how.

The message that clearly called for help had also been transmitted through the sound of the xiao, and with her inner strength, the sound of the xiao could definitely reach the Ximeng Grand Canyon.

Why after so many days, no one has come to save her, not even contact!

What's more terrifying is that she also heard that Lu Wantian has been checked by the first resignation, and not long ago, he was also locked on the other side of the dungeon, waiting for his release.

All of this made Wei Hongling extremely uneasy.

Seeing that the jailers in the dungeon had really started to pack their things, Wei Hongling thought about waiting any longer, fearing that the day lily was cold, and as a last resort, she could only decide to escape first.

As for Ayara...she can definitely come back and save her!

After careful deliberation for a while, Wei Hongling finally found a relaxing time for the dungeon jailer to change shifts in the dead of night.

But when she was full of determination and wanted to use her internal strength to shatter the shackles of this cage—

But he was shocked to find that he couldn't use his internal strength at all!

"How could this be..."

In shock, Wei Hongling looked at her slightly trembling palm, gritted her teeth reluctantly, and tried again.

But this time, not only did she not transfer her internal strength, she suddenly felt that the qi and blood of the meridians in her body suddenly seemed to be going backwards.


After the doors in the body were broken one by one, Wei Hongling couldn't help spurting a mouthful of blood, and then slumped to the ground.

Just when she was about to be dazzled and lost consciousness, the ears that were slightly close to the ground heard an orderly and steady pace, slowly approaching her.

Wei Hongling paused, opened her eyelids hard, and looked at the source of the footsteps.

But he saw a faint grin, with a disgusting face full of pride on his lips.

"Long time no see, Queen Wei."

When he came to the first word in front of the cage door, he chuckled a few times, and then squatted down gently, his hands folded on his knees as if relaxed and comfortable.

He pretended to be innocent again, tilted his head towards Wei Hongling, and blinked his slender and delicate eyes, "Aiya, the Empress, are you feeling unwell? I need to call an imperial physician for you. See?"

"...you, you Yin Bengong...cough!..."

Wei Hongling was angry and anxious, her throat was choked with blood and she coughed again and again, which made her injury even worse.

Soon, she didn't even have the strength to speak and raise her eyes, so she could only lie down in the weeds, motionless.

But somehow, the consciousness that should have been lost in the first place, but when the first resignation came, it was damned sober...

However, Wei Hongling, who was forced to calm down a little because she couldn't move, suddenly smelled that there seemed to be a strange fragrance lingering in the air.

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