Quick Transmigration: The Host is Soft and Sweet

Chapter 894 I like your rust smell (6)

After thinking about it, the little guy raised his brows slightly.

After taking off the necklace around his neck and hiding it carefully, he boldly walked around.

The whole alley is not big, but it is very long, and the winding seems to have no end.

Since the new ruler was born here, after the establishment of the new Lost Kingdom, he gratefully gave the commoners a lot of benefits, so that the commoners who had long succumbed to the oppression of the nobles turned over overnight. their own freedoms and rights.

They no longer need to work in order to serve the nobles, they can do what they like, even open some shops and do a little business.

It's quite vocal.

So, Xiang Xing strolled happily, bought some bread and sausages, ate them, and continued to walk deep into the alley.

While walking, I vaguely heard a melodious piano playing, accompanied by the lively and cheerful singing of the children, which reached my ears.

In this intertwined song and song, there seems to be a little indescribable attraction, which makes the little guy involuntarily stop and look around.

She soon realized that the source of the song was on her right hand side, in a building that looked like a primary school.

Looking in through the glass window, I could vaguely see half a piano and a group of children singing happily.

The piano players were surrounded by them, making Xiang Xing difficult to see for a while.

The little guy tilted his head and thought for a while, and finally, with the bread in his mouth, carefully jumped to the glass window and continued to look inside.

But when she saw the player's face clearly, her mouth became loose in shock, and the bread almost fell to the ground.

I saw that face with eyes closed and immersed, and the person playing the piano was a young and handsome man.

Although he was wearing the coarse clothes of a commoner, he couldn't hide his noble air.

the most important is--

His appearance is actually the same as the Ambassador of Happiness in the photo, that is, Clarence One! mold! one! Sample!

This almost didn't scare Xiang Xing to death.

No, at this time, isn't Clarence still sleeping in that seal in York Hill?

Why do you want to be a music teacher here...

Could it be that this is just an ordinary person who looks similar to him?

And just at this time, the man's cheerful sonata also finished the last note.

Amidst the cheerful applause of the children, he smiled warmly and elegantly and slowly opened his eyes.

Although it was only for a moment, Xiang Xing still saw that when the eyes opened, they changed slightly.

From the original Roland violet and scarlet, it instantly turned into an ordinary light brown.

Seeing that Xiang Xing couldn't help swallowing his throat, his soft eyes widened a little again.

This is definitely not his own running!

So what is it now, has he woken up early?

So, he has already started his revenge plan?

However, just when Xiang Xing was inexplicably stunned, the children in the small music classroom quickly noticed the elder sister who was watching by the window.

Seeing her obsessive gaze looking deeply at her teacher, the little devils couldn't help covering their mouths and snickered.

The laughter suddenly alarmed the man who was playing the piano, only to see him stagnant, and then he looked sideways.

Looking at the girl who was foolishly holding bread, but her face was exquisite and lovely, and she also had an innate nobility. come over.

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